Bigwigs are everywhere. It seems like everyone else is in charge. It certainly takes the pressure off. You feel normal and are not defensive. You are just cruising along and it feels nice not to worry. You are not missing anything. You are just feeling relaxed and unencumbered. This bliss continues through most of the week.
Nature is taking its course. It always does. We have to learn to be in harmony with nature. It makes life a lot easier. Learning to be in harmony with nature begins with observation. See how things work in the world at large. Learn about structure and organization.
Don’t feel that you have lost control just because you are not struggling to stay in control. There should be many occasions for rest and enjoyment. You don’t always have to be moving forward. Sometimes you have to become fully aware of the moment. Be here now.
Time is the best storyteller of all. We go through life just seeing snippets of a much bigger picture. Try to put your feet in the shoes of others. Try to develop patience and understanding when you view others. Stay away from critical people who only find fault with others. We are not in a position to judge.