Conquer the Moment

Staying in the moment is a great task. It isn’t easy when other things are calling to you. You find yourself chasing the next great idea, place or thing. Always there is something before you that you want to reach out and grab. This is especially anxiety provoking and requires greater contemplation.

Why not just enjoy exactly what you are doing at any given time. Don’t be looking too far ahead. Stay completely engrossed in what you doing, saying and feeling. Try to engage with what is before you. Don’t allow insignificant chatter to lure you away from the present moment.

It is tiring and somewhat unrewarding to constantly be searching for new uncharted territory. After all, you will arrive there simply by staying in the moment. Being in the moment is an active pursuit. Everything is changing before your very eyes. You don’t have to do anything in the moment. Things just come and go.

I am feeling more centered as I write this piece. After a few moments, my mind is slowing and becoming more aware of what is happening around me. I am not frantically searching for stimulus that has no relevant meaning in the here and now.

Be joyful in the moment and allow the future to act in its own time. Take care of the present. The past, present and future co-exist. Don’t look to far ahead. See the middle distance.