So Much for So Few and So Little for So Many

We’re all feeling a bit fuzzy. Something under the surface is trying to emerge. We’ve spent months getting prepared to leave our rut. But have we done everything that we need to do before making our final departure? Are we leaving behind a chaotic mess or is this an orderly transition to the next level of consciousness?

Hopefully, we are all going to change. We are clearing space for new experiences with the wisdom to give more depth and understanding to our daily lives. It is all in the way you look at it. We can give positive meaning to our lives in big and small ways.

Change is the constant, so get moving. Take action. Good results are assured.

Word Games

Just the facts, if only this were possible. We spend most of our lives living with small pieces of the puzzle. Our puzzle piece connects us to other people’s puzzle piece and so on it goes. We are locked into a position that we may or may not be that happy with. As human beings we are locked in our unconscious. So the question is, “how do we access free will?” Our free will lies in our ability to change ourselves. By changing ourselves, we change the way that other people communicate with us.

Procrastination is a technique used to delay making any decisions that can move us ahead. We choose to stay with the familiar as it doesn’t create anxieties that we fear we can’t cope with. Anxiety is practically impossible to avoid but it is much more manageable when we give it some direction. By giving direction it cuts down on the amount of paralysis that we feel when we are under a great deal of pressure. Really we are just trying to balance our nature.

You may feel like you would just like something permanent that you can count on. You would like some form of security that won’t be taken away. This does seem like a reasonable request except that change is the real stabilizer. It’s the flow of ideas and energy that give you confidence and security. Money is known as “frozen energy”. It doesn’t provide the kind of security that is stabilizing, although, you need it. You are balancing yourself against the many demands that life makes on you. Bring yourself life.

Win or Lose, You Pay

Don’t let people judge your ideas as they are your own interpretation of life as you see it. This may create conflict with others who are not able to discuss alternate points of view without making value judgments. Still it is your right to state your perspective. This doesn’t mean that you are trying to inflict your ideas on other people but you must defend your right to your point of view. This is something that you should feel comfortable sharing without the feeling of censorship. If you can’t, get some new friends.

Most people are looking for positive reinforcement and sometimes you can give it. However, you should be truthful or you won’t help yourself in the long run. It is always better to point things out in a nice way. This takes practice. You will probably make mistakes that will lead to personal disputes. Take it lightly. You can be civil with people even if you see things differently. It’s a two way street.

Money talks! That’s a common belief. However, there are many other things that come into play. Concentrate on your personal power. This is the power that you have over yourself. This will go a long way in setting your thinking apart from the crowd.

Unravel your psychology and reorganize it to be inclusive. Be optimistic, you pay the same price.

Alpha & Omega

These past weeks have been filled with intensity. This may have put you out of your comfort zone. You may be experiencing some stress related ailments which will resolve on their own. Time and space solve all problems.

There are five planets currently in Aries, but this will soon pass and many planets will occupy the sign of Taurus. Hang in there a bit longer and you will attain the inner peace that you have been working toward. Aries is a very active sign and is known in astrology as the “lamb of God”. Taurus is about comfort and the exchange of values. It is good to enjoy the attributes of all the zodiacal signs.

Some issues have come to a conclusion. This is always good even if it wasn’t the outcome that you had hoped for. Endings bring about new beginnings. You can now lay aside any plans that don’t have a future. Move on to new ideas that will bring you hope and satisfaction.

Remember “there is a time for every purpose under heaven”. All things have their cycles. Life and death are in the nature of things. In fact, there is no life without death. The French say that we should “think on death”.

The future is bright. Be ready to participate.

Pomp & Circumstance

Tremors prevent us from inhaling and exhaling completely. Also, we harm ourselves by not breathing deeply enough. It might be a good idea to learn to breathe properly via yoga or some form of martial art. This creates good oxygenation in the body. Definitely this cannot be underestimated. Also, it goes along nicely with meditation which can be practiced 24 hours a day.

So take a deep breath and you will feel calmer in dealing with unexpected or difficult situations. Don’t overreact and others will not be able to act harshly toward you. You draw the line invisibly. They can’t see it but they will definitely feel it. When you act civilly, it forces others into the same behavior.

Benjamin Disraeli said, “Man is not the creature of circumstances, but circumstances are the creatures of men”. You create your own circumstances. If we want to change our lives we have to work on ourselves. By changing ourselves, we change other people. This is the right thinking.

Going out on a limb proves to be an unnecessary risk. Contain yourself. Reduce risk. Get the job done without making any promises that you will not be able to deliver. Depend mostly on yourself.