Circling the Drain

This week can be characterized as a “slow death.” There is a self centeredness that dominates the decision making process. People are locked in their unconscious. The character of people becomes evident under these circumstances. When there are no avenues of escape, the true nature is exposed.

You can play life as a comedy or a tragedy…that is your choice. The former is best as people don’t really have pity. In the end, you always have to take responsibility for your actions. It is a conundrum.

It’s the little things that cause us to become depressed. It’s the accumulation of the daily debris of life that you don’t get around to dealing with that causes anxiety. You have to be thorough and complete tasks. You can then move on to the next thing without being weighed down by uncertainty.

Simplify as many things as possible. This will produce a happier environment for you to conduct your everyday business. It lightens the load. Get in harmony with nature and you will feel much less resistance.

Mercury goes retrograde during the week and will allow you to review your progress before making any other decisions that could impede your development. You will need to anticipate the interferences that might result in an unanticipated outcome.

Hard Ball

There are inner battles that are keeping us up these days. It is impossible to resolve these battles without the input from many different sources. Many of these influences are apparent while some are still submerged. It makes compromise impossible…Until the hidden motives come to the surface, there will be no consensus. Sleeplessness seems to be the norm for now.

Crafty people spin the story to benefit themselves. Other crafty people spin the story to benefit themselves. It is important to serve the needs of the many and not the few. Needs have to come under scrutiny as well and require making judgments. What is a need and what is not necessary is very hard to determine. Basically, all human beings have the same needs.

If we have no enemies, then we have no friends. It is impossible to please all of the people all of the time. Your priorities guide your thinking to some degree but you should be able to compromise so that others can achieve their priorities, too. Fairness should prevail.

It’s time to cut to the chase. Razor sharp instincts will dominate the conversation. Design a plan that will deliver the results you desire. Don’t get lost in a maze of egotistical wanderings. You can’t afford it.

Lost in Paradise

The week ahead can be summed up by concluding that it will be close encounters with the third kind. Insanity seems to be the prevailing condition, or is it?. Reality is hard to recognize. It is usually veiled in many different disguises and depending on who you are, takes on your own personal psychological imprint. It is pretty predictable to the trained eye what people are going to do. We learn what to expect from them. We think we are acting out of character when we are really just following our destiny. Free will is difficult to access. You have to work to free yourself of generations of thinking to use free will.

Since everything worth having is worth working for, we start by taking one step. One step is the beginning of a long journey. Really it is that first step that is the most uncertain but we can build our confidence slowly. This is the job of evolution that is before us. We cannot hesitate.

Pride is the biggest obstacle of all. It is good to have pride in what you have accomplished but pride shields you from a lot of important ideas and emotions. Careful examination of the topic leads me to believe that it isn’t all that important. Be real and forget about your pride.

“Delay is the deadliest form of denial.” This is a quote from a British naval historian by the name of C. Northcote Parkinson. This theme plays itself out on the many stages of life in the near and unforeseeable future.


You may be feeling like you aren’t getting any cooperation from those close to you. This is natural given the placement of the planets which are scattered here and there. However, the Sun and Moon are in trine aspect and this will result in a stronger focus on the subject at hand. It seems that everything is getting out of control but you shouldn’t be concerned with controlling the situation but rather you should try to blend in with what is happening. Be a cog in the wheel.

World wide there is a breaking down of long held beliefs and institutions. All of these are undergoing an evolution. This takes time and will eventually result in a more workable situation going forward. Let go of your own ingrained beliefs so as to make room for new ideas and new ways of doing things.

Eliminate worry from your daily life. It won’t really change anything and it shows in your face. Have foresight and act accordingly. When you look ahead, you will make better decisions for the future. If you don’t look ahead…look out!

The horoscope indicates your physical fitness. It shows your genetic predisposition and the way that you treat yourself. You can work with or against yourself. That is a choice.

Remember that winning means to win against yourself.

Ghosts of Christmas Past

Sometimes it takes a powerful reminder in the present to unlock memories of the past. Our experiences often are responsible for unearthing these psychological barriers. We are our own doctor in many ways. The psychological influences the physical and the physical influences the psychological.

This week presents an opportunity to begin the unraveling of your inner most tensions. You are inclined to be more introspective than usual and are willing to delve into matters that create some discomfort to you emotionally. If you are going to dig, don’t dig halfway.

Remembering is what causes human beings to suffer. Without memory we could move ahead fearlessly and face difficult situations without any hesitation. But it is our memories that put a damper on things. Maybe you need to take another look at these memories to put them in a healthier perspective. Everything is good and bad at the same time.

People are often attracted to astrology for the purpose of protection. If they can determine what influences they will encounter, they can prepare themselves. Spontaneity is well prepared.