Never Ever Give Up

Just when you are about to say “so long” to an aggravating situation, you are pulled back to complete what will certainly be the final chapter. People are not easily influenced. We learn by observation but what we observe is commonly tainted by our own experience. I suppose this means that we can’t completely trust the things that we see with our own eyes. Truth is difficult to find unless we search our own souls. This practice of searching requires strenuous effort but delivers important concepts for us to explore.

This week brings the hard edge of reality into focus. If we have been working steadily toward a goal and have been working with heart and mind to fulfill it, then good results will be forthcoming. But if we have doubts, this too will be evident. You must be able to conceive it before you can achieve it. The Sun just entered Aries and this will give some enthusiasm to your plans.

Mars is about to conjunct Neptune in Aquarius and Mercury is headed toward the conjunction of Uranus in Pisces. These configurations promise a leap of faith. The courage to go after something that may not seem obvious to others is in your mind. Only you know if this is the right choice for you. If it is, be brave and forge ahead.

Go Slowly and You Will Arrive Sooner

The week begins under the influence of the New Moon which indicates new beginnings. Also, a stellium in the sign of Pisces lends itself to the finishing up of old business. In some cases, there will be an unexpected end to circumstances that have been troublesome. Feelings that have been lying under the surface start to make their way in to consciousness. This is positive as it will allow you to make needed changes in your psychology. Simple things that may have been holding you back and have been inaccessible to your conscious will be resolved.

The sextile between Mercury and Venus gives you the diplomacy to turn unfavorable situations into favorable ones. Think carefully about how you present your ideas. Almost anyone can be reasonable when you give them the opportunity to be heard. Being right is not the most important thing, but working out a plan that works in your best interest should be the priority.

It seems that overall the world is in an unclear state. It appears that many have not committed to a position. Until this happens, circumstances will continue to be chaotic and volatile. Once we decide what we want, the others will help us achieve it. It’s the commitment that gets us to the next step. Remember you pay for what you want and you pay for what you don’t want. Know what you want and others will too.

Monkey See, Monkey Do

A little humor will go a long way this week. It seems like we are surrounded by incompetents but this is an opportunity to put things into a better perspective. Use these people to expand your level of patience. Don’t give in to their invasive and aggressive tactics. Let information flow through without grabbing onto any negative thoughts. It’s just information and you can do anything you want with it and that includes ignoring it completely.

Mercury has gone direct, so previous misinformation will be straightened out. It will seem that people are actually listening to you. They are hearing what you are saying. So don’t become frustrated, but begin to enjoy a more powerful form of communication. It’s not always what you say but how you say it. And it is not always what is said but what isn’t said.

Still nothing seems to be clicking. The timing for projects is still slightly out of sync. Use this time to develop your ideas more completely. Then try to be at the right place at the right time. This is in your power, although it is often unconscious rather than conscious.

The Times They Are A Changing

The week begins with the passing of the full moon. The Sun has just passed the exact conjunction of Uranus and now the effects of last week’s news begin to trickle down.
Mars, Neptune and Mercury in Aquarius continue to stir up old flames. There is a feeling of pensiveness that prevails. Pressure builds within. Look for outlets such as running or working out to stay on an even keel.

The Moon in Virgo square Jupiter in Sagittarius keeps the neat and tidy looking for more places to stash their stuff. Foreign entities continue to seek refuge is safe havens. The problem with being overly cautious is that while backing away from one problem, you find your self backing into another problem. Somehow it all seems a little inescapable for the moment.

Mercury retrograde continues to keep misunderstandings in play. Wait until next week to try and clear things up. Meanwhile, Saturn and Neptune continue their opposition. Reality takes it swing at your fantasies.