Remember that you are Mortal

This week begins with a glimmer of insight into the new and developing world financial matrix. The Sun in Libra shows that our confidence is not quite what we hoped for and that it will take some time for the dust to settle so that we may see clearly the lessons of past mistakes. Mercury in Libra will allow us to analyze our current situation and to make determinations as to what adjustments need to be made in the future. Also, Mars in Libra conjunct Mercury will bring on a litany of accusations and recriminations that will take years to appreciate.

Jupiter in Capricorn gives us practical tools for rebuilding our situation and competing in the world at large. We reconstruct a system that has been sagging under the downward pressures of greed and corruption. Saturn in Virgo trine to Jupiter sends the message that a great deal of hard work is ahead of us. This can be a very constructive time in the course of our history and we should be glad that we will be able to reinvent ourselves to participate in the global community.

Uranus in Pisces reminds us that compassion must be integrated into our thinking and yet also reminds us that our only obligation is to set a good example. During the coming years we will be able to deliver on the promises that we have made to our children and future generations by taking responsibility for our actions and learning to be resourceful.

History repeats itself.

Haste Makes Waste

This week begins with lots of information circulating at break neck speed. There is hardly anytime to absorb it. You are required to take immediate action, whether you have all the facts or not. Unfortunately, there are many pieces of information that have not emerged, therefore making it practically impossible to make the best determinations.

The Sun in Virgo square to Pluto in Sagittarius drives our work ethic and we may be overwhelmed by the amount of effort it will take to get things done. It makes me sleepy just thinking about it. Sometimes it is necessary to take steps without seeing what will happen in the end, however, it makes for a more dangerous chess game. There may be unforeseen ramifications to such actions, only time will tell.

Now is an excellent time to discover new ways of doing things and developing new relationships in the process. Respect the resources of other people and show confidence in their judgment, this will result in getting their cooperation on important matters. You are not the only one who knows how to get things done.

The Best Defense Is A Good Offense

This week brings about some unusual changes in the thinking of the population as a whole. People who have been gaming the system may find that this tactic backfires. Overall you see a trend of fiscal conservatism that sweeps both national and individual pocketbooks. Less is more.

Diplomacy takes on a more important profile…every battle cannot be fought. The talk therapy of geopolitics starts anew. Stay open to new ideas and ways of solving these looming issues. Position yourself in a neutral place. You can correct any problems when you are not to attached to any particular way of thinking. Sit on the fence.

Money is a serious consideration. Base your problem solving on the very practical issue of money. Don’t spend money to improve your situation unless it makes a significant difference in your bottom line. We often waste a lot of time and money moving to a lateral position. Make sure you move up in rank and file.

Meanwhile, don’t make any promises that you cannot keep. You will be held to your word.

A Kingdom by the Sea

Things suddenly start to look up this week with Jupiter going direct after several months of being retrograde. Now some of the obstacles that have been standing in your way melt away and you will feel as if they had never been there. Your personal relationships with friends and relatives will suddenly show signs of improvement. It seemed for a while that this rocky time was going to go on forever. As you will see, time and space solve all problems. The time has come for change.

You can’t really change other people, but you can change yourself. You can change how you react to situations and when you change your reactions over time it may change the outcome. The planets are cyclical and they move in each of our horoscopes in a way that produces highs and lows in our emotional lives. The planets influence the different houses and express themselves through different signs and that gives us a greater knowledge of ourselves and of others.

The thing that always remains the same is that nothing is ever standing still. We are constantly in motion. It makes it that whatever the tides of change, we must be able to withstand the ebb and flow of life. We cannot sit in some safe place where we will not be affected by outer circumstances. We can create, however, a peaceful place within ourselves that can give us strength to weather the most turbulent of storms.