If You Are Silent, You Are Already Shouting

If you are feeling extremely frustrated, I can only sympathize. It seems that most of the population is suffering some kind of ego bruising experience that doesn’t seem like it is ever going to be over. The misery just keeps hanging over us like a dark cloud.

How can we shake this feeling of doubt and frustration? Partly, it is in our control to surround ourselves with as many positive vibrations as possible. Do something good for yourself. Create a diversion for a short time just to keep from growing too impatient. Don’t surround yourself with a bunch of sad sacks. Seek out people who vibrate higher.

Brighter days are ahead. Keep your positive attitude and don’t be influenced by the naysayers. As long as you keep putting one foot in front of the other, you are going to arrive. It is just that the effort seems much more difficult than it should be.

That is the great thing about astrology, it is always changing. Just when you think that you can’t take any more aggravation another astrological aspect swings along to make you consider the situation from a whole new angle. And what do you know? All is well again.

Don’t over think the whys of your situation. Everyone has to deal with their albatross now and again.