Red Sky At Night

Now is an excellent time to review past performance. Keep an eye on what may have been a trigger for your anxieties during the year. Try to alleviate the fear by moving into it. Take a closer look at it and get a better understanding of it. By doing this, you will begin to feel more at ease with the areas of life that have been problematic. Don’t try to side step the issues, but look at them squarely.

Many changes are occurring that will have a lasting effect on you and the people around you. You are like a puzzle piece. When you change, those around you will change too. Make sure that your quest for change is a beneficial one and not self destructive. It is important to use foresight when making decisions. Look down the road and see what the end result will be. Take the long road.

Be adventurous but know that there are boundaries. Rash behavior can lead to unwanted results. Patience is the only virtue. You may be fed up and impatient but this pays no dividends. Control yourself. Direct your conscious mind to give you inner peace and confidence. What truly belongs to you cannot be taken away.

Lighten up for the holidays. Give yourself the benefit of the doubt. Good fortune follows the courageous one.

Live And Let Live

Perhaps we shouldn’t concern ourselves with the possessions of other people. It is really not our cross to bear. When questioned, people would much rather bear their own cross and not that of someone else. For better or worse, we prefer our own set of circumstances.

If we really want to change them, that requires making a concerted effort toward consciousness. We must first realize that we need to make a change. Once we realize this, we can take the next step of doing something about it. This is a time consuming endeavor to which you must be committed.

We pay for what we want and we pay for what we don’t want. So be careful what you wish for then you may actually get it. That being said, we are usually interested in improving our circumstances. Those are the circumstances that we have created. If we really want something different, we have to consciously create other circumstances.

I often wonder why many don’t use foresight when travelling the journey of life. Foresight is ruled by the planet Saturn. Many astrologers fear Saturn. Saturn is father time. We get old too soon and smart too late. Foresight can mitigate many unpleasant situations.

We all have to carry on and we have to face our own circumstances. We should be joyful because we are the ones who created them. Every experience is just that, an experience. An experience isn’t good or bad.

“Living Well is the Best Revenge”

Impetuosity is the driving force of the moment. However, today you are held back by the Moon in Gemini which urges you to use intelligence before acting. It’s easy to get caught up in the excitement but speaking without thinking will likely land you in the dog house. Hold your tongue. This is often the downfall of many people. It feels good to get out your true feelings but is usually not worth the cost.

Discipline is the way to go. Create a schedule for yourself and loosely stick to it. It doesn’t have to be regimented but should be flexible. Just make sure to allot the scheduled amount of time to the project but be flexible enough to rearrange things when it is necessary. This takes away from the boredom of adhering to a schedule that is too strict.

Saturn continues to be in the sign of Libra which puts special emphasis on relationships. It causes you to need balance in these relationships. If you give too much, you harm the other. Go fifty-fifty and that is it. Let the partner contribute his/her fifty percent. Everyone will feel better about this arrangement.

Mars has just entered the sign of Virgo so health issues may be on your mind. Take action and control over your own health. You can do more than the doctor. You can adjust your daily habits to create harmony both physically and mentally. Take responsibility for your health regimen.

A Pentimento

You may be feeling like you have over done it. That could be physically, emotionally, intellectually or egotistically. The best advice is to never go to extremes. Too much and too little are the enemies. Also, it is easy to confine yourself to the same habits day after day that do not lead to the results that you desire. Become conscious of the little things that may be sinking your opportunities.

People probably don’t change too much during their lifetime, unless, of course, there is an interference. An interference could be any experience that brings us more into consciousness. Experiences can be painful and challenge us to take a closer look at our nature. You can change your nature but it requires taking action. Ultimately, you want to become more in harmony with nature. The laws of nature are nicely represented by the astrological archetype. The archetype in astrology, addresses all the problems of mankind. Character is destiny.

Drilling down will cause you to discover the deeper meaning of the soul and the spirit. The soul is represented by the Moon and the spirit is represented by the Sun. In spiritual evolution, the Sun (conscious) must realize the Moon (unconscious). The soul is our personal history through the ages. The spirit is our will and connection to the divine.
We must move forward. It’s just easier when we assist ourselves through the journey of life.

Be vigilant. Keep your mind open and facile. New ideas will develop spontaneously.
Spontaneity is well prepared.