Good Fortune Follows the Courageous One

This looks like a great week ahead with a stellium (4 planets or more in a sign) in Sagittarius. The Sun and Jupiter are conjunct so we can expect our ideas will be met with growing popularity. In fact, those ideas have practically taken on supernatural powers. I’d say it is good to run with this, as long as you don’t become too impetuous.

The Sun and Moon are sextile so this will help bring the conscious and the unconscious together in a harmonious way. In other words, the right hand will know what the left hand is doing. When it comes to the implementation of any plan, this concept is a must.

Saturn is in trine to Pluto and Mars is in square to Saturn. This is a tricky combination of aspects. Discipline is required to make sure that all actions are supported by solid fact. However, with the Mercury square Neptune aspect there is still some deception that has not yet surfaced. Integrate time and space to mediate this discrepancy.

Anxiety is caused by too much foresight. Try to focus on the immediate. This will allow you to feel more secure and neutralize your fear, uncertainty and doubt. Luck is above the horoscope.

The Tides of Change Come Swiftly

Money, money, money makes the world go round. Strong dependence on the resources of others bring about trying times for people everywhere. Underground operations are at work and only a few are privy to the imminent situation surrounding us. The economy is held in check by structures that are prone to collapse. Yet luck is a factor.

On a more personal note, we can fight our own tunnel vision by taking a good hard look at ourselves and those who are around us. Tell me with whom you go and I’ll tell you who you are. Self actualization is achieved through action. Taking the first step is the hardest in a long journey. No change is possible that doesn’t start with the self.

Reality and illusion are strongly opposed. Rich people can afford their illusions. The rest of us take a more pragmatic approach or perhaps a more spiritual one. This is an ideal time to perform necessary adjustments to our perspective. It is possible to make things work for us, but we have to have rational expectations.

Go to bat for issues that you value. Others will appreciate your candor and you will be expressing yourself truthfully. Get into the moment, and remember that all changes must be made in the present.

Know When to Hold & Know When to Fold

The underlying tone of the week is determined by the Sun in Scorpio square the Moon in Leo.  In other words, self- determination is in conflict with pride.  Don’t let pride stand in the way of making deals that will serve your purpose far into the future.  The square aspect in astrology is the most difficult to resolve.  But by having a purpose, all obstacles can be evaluated and put into the proper perspective.  Patience is the only virtue.

Other people’s money is a very sensitive subject.  Put effort into your ventures and others will profit too.  Hidden resources are there for your discovery.  What you obtain in the right way will be source of happiness and will be maintained.  Quick thinking pushes you into new dimensions.  Opportunity is knocking.

People with serious intentions are trying to recruit you.  Always question their motivations.  Helping people to achieve their goals is courageous but decide what the political ramifications will be.  The planet Saturn is connected with foresight.  Foresight is a valuable quality and makes a good chess player.

Compromise will be the best mode of withdrawal.  Keep perspective when dealing with people in authority.  “Life is short, art is long, experience gained through much pain, judgment highly difficult.”- Hippocrates

Fools Rush In

The week starts out with the Sun opposed to the Moon (A Full Moon).  In fact the Sun along with several other planets are opposing the Moon.  The Moon represents the unconscious and it is currently undergoing a number of unidentified stresses that make for a rather disconcerting start.  

There seems to be a barrage of unexpected turns which were not part of the original plan.  These tactical maneuvers are resolved by quick and creative thinking.  Due to critical thinking, the week builds great momentum and results in activity that gets the job done.  Previous obstacles are carried away by the tides of change.

Give your reality a test drive before signing on permanently.  Now is the time to make the necessary modifications that will assure your success.  Time is the best story teller of all.
Move ahead with any plans that have been on the back burner, since Saturn is keeping the wily influences at bay.

There is a saying “Bring me no good news” because what is good news for one person can be very bad news for another.  Hence, good news for who?