More Red Tape

You think you are ready to implement your plan but unfortunately there are a few details that require your attention. You are feeling slightly weary this week due to the onslaught of activities you have found yourself at the center of. You are resistant to any encroachment on your time and space. This is a temporary set back that will pass quickly and you will be your energetic self once again.

It seems that things are changing around you and you may or may not be conscious of this. You have some internal indications of change but so far no bells and whistles are going off. You suspect that someone is trying to highjack your ideas and make a run with them, however, you have nothing to fear. No one can run with your ideas as they always have to back them up with something substantial. This is never possible for long, then your ideas come from something deep within and can’t be replicated by someone who doesn’t see or feel things the same way as you do.

Show more self confidence. You have what it takes to get the job done. Don’t be discouraged by little interferences. This is a good time to reinforce your commitment to plans that you are in the process of accomplishing. Stick to your goals. Everything else will fall into place.

Good Times, Bad Times

You may be feeling a bit “let down” recently. You think back to the days when making a decision wasn’t filled with trepidation. You may be remembering yourself as a much more courageous person. It’s important to maintain your sharp judgment and insight. But it’s also important to retain your spontaneity. Spontaneity is well prepared.

With the Sun now in Aquarius, we can begin to look forward to newly reorganized goals. We are always editing our goals. But we need to be careful not to dilute them entirely. We need to have that youthful expectation of succeeding. Of course, experience has shown us what is realistic and what is not. However, maybe we should always be passionate about what we want. We can keep trying no matter how many times we fail.

Find a way for passion and compassion to coexist. Aquarius really sees the big picture and really tries to incorporate their ideas into the greater good. They would rather talk about you than themselves. Aquarius is clinically interested in other people, although, the whole is more important than the part. Aquarius doesn’t analyze, it synthesizes thanks to the influence of Saturn & Uranus.

We should look forward to an evolution of ideas in many areas of our lives. There is always the question, “Does the man bring about the times or do the times bring about the man?” The times are right.

A Malin, Malin et Demi

“To a smart man, a smart man and a half”. The French have such notorious sayings. It may prove to be that kind of week so beware of falling into some unexpected trap. If you are too focused on avoiding pitfalls, you almost always back into one. You have free will. It is just a matter of using it. Planets influence you, the way you receive the planetary influences.

Things seem clear and straight forward. You are advised to take things at face value. The underlying confluence is too complicated to go into. Don’t wear yourself out over-analyzing the details. Synthesize. Put it all together like a jig saw puzzle. Everything you need is at your disposal.

The planets are not moving you in any specific direction. Saturn in Libra is trine Neptune in Aquarius and Venus in Pisces is sextile Jupiter in Taurus indicating that although there are obstacles, you will have some luck. Luck is above the horoscope.

Good fortune follows the courageous one. Take action. Your indecisiveness has delayed your progress.

A Little Bit of Veritgo

Now is a good time to determine if you are flying upside down or right side up. This is often only possible by examining your values. How do they harmonize with life in 2012? Are they flexible or rigid and have they had success in the past in terms of delivering the kind of results that you desire? Values should incorporate ethics. Ethics are a matter between you and your God. There should be a lot of common ground between your ethics and the ethics of others but ultimately it is personal.

You have to answer for your own thoughts and actions. What other people think of you is none of your business. You must belong to yourself and have the courage and integrity to be you. It is likely that if you follow this course, no one will openly challenge you, although, they may not agree with you. You have to believe in yourself.

This could be the beginning of a very productive and upbeat year. There are many things for all of us to learn in this New Year. It is an opportunity to know more about ourselves. By knowing about ourselves, we will come to know more about others. Change begins with you. Don’t wait for someone else to make the first move. Take action! When I speak about you, I am also speaking about me.

Downward-Facing Dog

This year offers a true change in perspective. An evolution of social institutions will be brought about by necessity. Necessity is the mother of invention. Change will happen whether we like it or not. The best way to cope is to be flexible and to expand our understanding of changing circumstances. We need to use foresight…not too much and not too little. Moderation is the key. Too much foresight causes anxiety and too little creates anxiety too.

Resistance is a natural response to the unknown. It is in our genes and it is very difficult to overcome. We have resistance to change because it destroys the current order of things. But by suffering through this resistance and taking a small leap of faith we can accomplish great things. Life will become deeper and more satisfying.

None of us know how long we will live in our current incarnation but we can certainly try to give a good example. We can do something small and energizing for the others to experience. Our example is far more important than our words. We human beings learn by example.

Practical matters will dominate the coming year and it will require focus to keep the momentum moving in your predetermined direction. When you come to an obstacle, just stay with it and resolve the issue at that moment. Don’t let things pile up. Create your own circumstances.