Curiosity Killed the Cat

These days it pays to belong to your-self.  If you leave your fate in the hands of another, you may ultimately be disappointed.  Take ownership over your actions and pay your own way.  Why not pay for the whole package? In any case, we pay for what we want and we pay for what we don’t want.  Make sure you get at least some of the things that are important to you. 
This week brings a thawing of emotions and is greatly appreciated.  You have been experiencing some irritation as you feel that you haven’t gotten the recognition that you truly deserve.  Don’t look for any payoff and you may be pleasantly surprised to find out how much you are appreciated.
Saturn’s visit in Scorpio is causing some unexpected aggravations.  It requires you to clean your house in an emotional sense.  It wants you to get more in touch with yourself.  Since you are digging, don’t dig half way.  You have to get to the bottom of it.  Don’t forget that you are only human.
Being human has some very dark corners and some very bright ones too.  Try to take advantage of the brightness but be mindful of the darkness.  The two co-exist.  Don’t go to extremes.  Life is a balancing act.

A Palindrome

Communication is a slippery slope.  We think we are communicating with precision only to discover later that our words have been misinterpreted. So how can we know that what we are saying is received the way that it was intended.  I don’t think there is really any fool proof way to insure it.  The best way of communicating with people is through example.  We all learn by example.  Time is the best story teller of all.  We have to wait for the results and we have to live our words.  Words have to become works.
By walking the walk, we become a force.  Not just an empty vessel.  We gain substance and people begin to realize that we have girth. We have a field of influence.  That is the source of real power.  It isn’t something that comes through having things.  It is an inner resource that has to be developed.  We have self- respect. We should be our true self in the most positive way.
Dial down your feelings of sensitivity.  We are all sensitive.  Try to be sensitive to other people’s feelings. You have to be able to take it.  Sometimes your feelings get hurt.  This is natural.  Don’t take it personally.  Take it lightly. Try to avoid developing grudges.  They clutter your path.

Let’s Go With the Show

You are tired of always trying to get out in front of every situation.  Let it come to you and trust your instincts.  This way you don’t exhaust your resource of energy.  You will build up more stamina and feel a sense of security knowing that you can depend on yourself.
Start to clear away clutter and work on organizing your living quarters. Go for minimalism.  We have a lot more stuff than we really need.  Learn to detach yourself from unnecessary material goods. Of course, don’t throw out everything but lighten up.
As you put things in order, you will begin to see new doors opening.  Opportunities that have escaped your grasp will suddenly pursue you.  Hopefully, this is a good thing.  Be careful of what you wish for, you may actually get it.
You will have  numerous opportunities to join other people socially. Don’t pass them up as they may be the key to some new experiences.  Open up and let people see who you really are.  By now, you should know who you are and what you want.  You have had a number of months recently to explore your inner workings. Reach out.

Keep It Under Your Hat

Now is a good time to replace some old concepts with some new ones.  Get rid of what hasn’t been working and at least try something new.  Don’t keep beating that dead horse.  Sometimes we try things for years with no apparent success.  We think if we keep trying that it will work and this thinking can persist for years.  I know because I am guilty of it, too.
Get a grip.  It isn’t good to waste time.  We have precious little of it, no matter how long we live.  It’s easy to put things on the back burner and never get around to bringing them to the front where they can be dealt with.  There is no time like the present.
You may feel like burning some bridges.  This is ill advised especially since you are so close to getting what you want.  No sense telling it like it is especially since no one has asked.  If they haven’t been interested in your opinion up until now, don’t bother to waste your breath. Especially since the door is so close.
Certain situations may trigger the memory of old emotional situations.  Be aware that they may encourage bad behavior on your part.  Don’t fall into the trap.  Keep silent and people will think you are a wise person.