Person to Person

The decision has already been made but you still feel like you are in the running.  This comes as a surprise to you.  It seemed like everything was going smoothly and then all of a sudden someone makes an unexpected move.  Generally, this is not all bad.  Sometimes things really do happen for the better.  You try very hard to direct your destiny but sometimes there are interferences.  Interferences are difficult to predict but they often create delays and changes in venue.

Overall, it seems that people are taking a hard line.  They present it with cunning and sugarcoat it but if you look at it closely, you will see the chinks in the plan. 

Don’t bring peanuts.  When you make an offer, it needs to have a little meat on the bones.  Not “here’s nothing, keep it well.”  That may be taken on by amateurs but a consummate pro will not let it go unnoticed. Speak up and reject any plan that is not in your best interest.  You gain respect when you call out unfair practices.

Turn situations into a win, win.  You win and they win.  Clever and critical thinking bring about outstanding results.  Don’t cave. 

Relative Curiosity

It’s good to like what you are doing.  It creates a positive energy field that attracts new people and events into your life. You feel lighter and much more accommodating when you like what you do.  It isn’t always possible to do what you like and most professions require doing a lot of what you don’t like. Over time, though, you should be able to gravitate toward the things that give you the most satisfaction.

Keep in mind that everything takes a lot more time than you think.  You may be feeling impatient and ready to give up on some things because a substantial amount of effort is required.  It is usually at that moment that you are ready to make a break through.  Persevere.

Hard work comes naturally to you at this time.  You don’t balk at some of the duties that ordinarily send you into a tizzy.  Stay focused as there is no job that can’t get done. You have a great deal of energy and if you are willing and patient, you can accomplish most anything.

Don’t forget to give into some light hearted fun.  This is refreshing and will keep you on track.  Don’t let the cold weather keep you from enjoying the great outdoors.  Even if you work out, there is nothing like nature to bring out the best in you.

Odd Ducks

Everything seems so uncertain at this point that it is difficult to get any sense of security.  And security is a high priority at the moment.  Unfortunately, it is probably not attainable in these times.   The only thing that is certain is change.  You must be flexible to stand up to the pressures and stresses of daily life.  One way to be flexible is not to anticipate a specific outcome.  Be open to letting information flow in and out of your conscious mind.  This should give you a more strategic point of view.  Information is king.

Kindly disregard any rude attempts at getting your attention.  Your surroundings are filled with aggressive people seeking a sure path.  They want to know exactly where you stand.  This isn’t possible as everything is in constant motion.  Not that you aren’t willing to make a commitment, but not until you have all the facts.

Arbitration is the best method of seeking a solution at this time.  Any direct confrontations will be rebuffed. See what is there but also see what is missing.  This will help you see the full scope of the matter.  Don’t allow others to strongly influence you.  Listen but don’t act until you are ready.

A Litmus Test

You need to get fired up.  You have all sorts of ideas floating around in your head and no focus or plan to put them to work.  With the Sun in practical Capricorn, you will begin to formulate a plan to get things moving.  Now that the holidays are behind, you don’t have any more excuses for postponing those things that really need to get done.  Dedicate a day or two to cleaning off your desk and then go to town.

You will get the occasional lightning bolt that gets your creative juices flowing. You will get a flash of information that seems to appear out of nowhere.  Learn to trust your instincts and rely less on other people’s opinions.  This will help you become more self-assured.  You have just as good a chance of being right as they do.

Dig deep in order to get all the facts.  Don’t assume.  Your judgment is likely going to become a center piece of any negotiations.  It is good to be thorough and it will be noticed by those who can make a difference.  Elevate your mood by staying focused on the positive. 

Take a little time to enjoy yourself.  Take a walk or a ride on your bicycle.  This will help in keeping your mind clear.