A situation is currently causing you apprehension and anxiety. You will need to peel away the layers to get at the underlying issue. This is tedious and somewhat unpleasant as the people you are dealing with are overly sensitive. Don’t be your own enemy. Hold your tongue. It may be painful for a moment not to express your feelings but you will make a long awaited breakthrough.
You feel that you are opposed by people that are supposed to be your friends. This feeling is probably at the seat of your anxiety. “If God is with me, who can be against me.” Get in touch with your feelings of inadequacy as this may be triggering these unfounded thoughts. Many problems have their origin in the unconscious. We should make an effort to change them. By identifying them and confronting these problems, we free ourselves.
If you have been considering a new beginning, the time is right. Spring is around the corner and you can make everything new again. Consider not only what is there but also what is missing. This helps you gain perspective on the whole picture. Put the pieces together to form a total image.
Human beings are all linked together and to some degree we share a common destiny. We should do our part to make this earthly transformation satisfying and beneficial. You cannot harm other people without also harming yourself.