Impetuosity is the driving force of the moment. However, today you are held back by the Moon in Gemini which urges you to use intelligence before acting. It’s easy to get caught up in the excitement but speaking without thinking will likely land you in the dog house. Hold your tongue. This is often the downfall of many people. It feels good to get out your true feelings but is usually not worth the cost.
Discipline is the way to go. Create a schedule for yourself and loosely stick to it. It doesn’t have to be regimented but should be flexible. Just make sure to allot the scheduled amount of time to the project but be flexible enough to rearrange things when it is necessary. This takes away from the boredom of adhering to a schedule that is too strict.
Saturn continues to be in the sign of Libra which puts special emphasis on relationships. It causes you to need balance in these relationships. If you give too much, you harm the other. Go fifty-fifty and that is it. Let the partner contribute his/her fifty percent. Everyone will feel better about this arrangement.
Mars has just entered the sign of Virgo so health issues may be on your mind. Take action and control over your own health. You can do more than the doctor. You can adjust your daily habits to create harmony both physically and mentally. Take responsibility for your health regimen.