This week can be characterized as a “slow death.” There is a self centeredness that dominates the decision making process. People are locked in their unconscious. The character of people becomes evident under these circumstances. When there are no avenues of escape, the true nature is exposed.
You can play life as a comedy or a tragedy…that is your choice. The former is best as people don’t really have pity. In the end, you always have to take responsibility for your actions. It is a conundrum.
It’s the little things that cause us to become depressed. It’s the accumulation of the daily debris of life that you don’t get around to dealing with that causes anxiety. You have to be thorough and complete tasks. You can then move on to the next thing without being weighed down by uncertainty.
Simplify as many things as possible. This will produce a happier environment for you to conduct your everyday business. It lightens the load. Get in harmony with nature and you will feel much less resistance.
Mercury goes retrograde during the week and will allow you to review your progress before making any other decisions that could impede your development. You will need to anticipate the interferences that might result in an unanticipated outcome.