This week calls for a strong stomach. The inequities abound. But have faith as all of these concerns will be addressed in due time. There is an air of secretiveness. This comes from having 4 planets in the sign of Scorpio. You may also be meeting people with absolutely no flexibility in their thinking. I think they call this stubborn. Never mind trying to make any convincing arguments. Just wait until next month when they will be more willing to compromise.
Big decisions will be made in the face of growing opposition. Unfortunately, not every situation can wait for cooperating influences. Tempus fugit. Institutions may fall as influences beyond our control may dictate policy. Think of a tidal wave. The momentum is powerful and nothing can interfere. Situations, too, must run their course.
There may be some surprise element attached to this week’s happenings. Promises have been made and these demand action. If you get what you want using pressure, don’t be surprised if this tactic backfires. The sheep refuse to be herded. As a friend once put it, “here’s nothing, keep it well”. Empty promises could foil even the best laid plans.
Rely on your own thinking unless it has been proven that there is a better way.