It seems that the general public is in a cautious mode. They don’t know what to do next as if they are experiencing a kind of paralysis. This is to be expected as there are so many unknown entities. Take your time to synthesize the facts. Wait until it all adds up to something substantial and then make your move. Right or wrong you will eventually have to take action. No one likes to be wrong but that is the risk that you must take.
Serious conversations are taking place with regard to your future. You have the need to make concrete plans. It is very disconcerting to have everything up in the air. Take a deep breath and be thankful for the opportunities that you do have and then get out there and do something with yourself. You must move forward.
Develop small opportunities to expand your possibilities of generating income. These little things may not seem like much but they may blossom into something quite productive. We tend to underestimate the power of going step by step. We want to get to where we are going in one giant step. It’s painful to have to exercise patience but that is your obligation. All things can be accomplished if you integrate time and space.