This would be a good time to pack your bags, either for a short vacation or to change the location of either your home or your job. It is just a good time to change your environment in some meaningful way. Move on to something more satisfying and challenging. Unfortunately, the world at large is making these kinds of moves very unlikely. Your may have to improvise, maybe just change your attitude and change the way you look at things.
Remember that planets influence you the way that you receive the planetary influences. You have free will. You can change the way you perceive and react to different situations. This alone can make for some amazing changes in your life. Don’t be afraid to alter your habits. In fact, make an effort to do so. Small changes can result in significant improvements.
Go with the flow. Don’t try to change the environment around you. The changes that should be made must be made from within. Should of, would of, could of…drop these personal recriminations. These are things of the past. Move ahead into the future with the experience you have gained from some unfortunate choices. Experience the value of your mistakes and apply these lessons so that they don’t happen again.