This week is filled with unexpected twists and turns. It makes everything seem rather tentative. It is as if we can’t get our feet firmly on the ground. Sudden expansion and contraction of ideas is necessary to illustrate the evolution of our daily life. We are making progress on many fronts but it is difficult to appreciate how long it takes to get concrete results. It is tedious and labor intensive.
Don’t rely on others to tie up loose ends. Take responsibility yourself as others seem preoccupied with their own agendas. It is in putting these final matters to rest that we can expect some unusual and uplifting forces to carry us along our path. We are engaging the natural powers to aid us in constructing our future. This can lead to effortless advances without struggle.
The Sun trine Pluto gives this week some real substance. Slap yourself, just to make sure that you are on planet earth. Saturn goes direct at the end of the week so plans that have been on the back burner can be brought to full boil. Use spirit and opportunity to boost your level of enthusiasm. Success is just steps away.