Forget About It

Water and Earth still dominate the week. The Moon in Capricorn indicates serious consideration of current circumstances. We are looking for concrete and pragmatic solutions to problems that may seem a bit confining in the weeks to come. Better buckle up for a bumpy month as planetary influences bring about turbulent influences. There is no telling where this week will lead us but for sure it will test our deepest and most ingrained values. This is a chance to make the necessary changes that will better prepare us for the future.

Pressures are lurking everywhere as the public desires to bring about a swift and decisive end to some existing unpleasant conditions. But as we know, situations in life repeat themselves until we are able to develop the qualities that we most need. We don’t always get what we want, but we do get what we need.

There are 3 planets conjunct in the sign of Pisces during the week. They are Mercury, Venus and Uranus. This configuration tends to keep us wallowing in self pity instead of taking the necessary action to change our environment. Sometimes it only takes something small to change the landscape of human psychology. An interference will provide us with an alternative to what might otherwise be self destructive behavior.

Let Freedom Ring

Look forward to a very energetic and busy week ahead. With the Sun in Aries, action is the key word. The Moon in Libra will add some balance and cool thinking to the process of putting your ideas and plans to work. The Moon trine Neptune will create a fuzzy picture of future events. Clarity is postponed due to the elements of water and earth. Ideologies and beliefs are distorted by emotional reactions to worldly affairs.

Jupiter is sextile Uranus so some unexpected benefits will be coming your way. Communication is difficult and not always verbal. A lot of communication takes place on the unconscious level. Take the long way, as taking short cuts at this time will result in damage to your reputation and personal integrity.

With the Sun in Aries square to Saturn retrograde in Virgo we see a fight between extremes. Patience is the only virtue. Don’t let yourself be pushed into circumstances that may later come back and bite you. Apply wisdom to the big problems and show backbone as there is a time to every purpose. Sometimes you have to drive your point home and stay firm on issues that matter.

Soften yourself to the little problems of life, otherwise you become inflexible and unable to react to situations in a warm and compassionate way. This will help keep the big problems from showing up. As parents say “Little children, little problems. Big children, big problems.”

A Break from the Past

The actions of last week take us to a turbulent and emotional week ahead. With all the planets except one in water & earth signs we feel passionate about our point of view. But remember the best way to succeed is to put your feet into the shoes of others. This will give you a vantage point from which to base your decisions and they will be much more reliable.

The Sun is trine the Moon and both are in water signs, so expect to feel tenacious when it comes to getting your own way. Although, it may not be possible for everyone, you have the option to take those feelings and apply them to a constructive and fortunate scenario. Remember that the element of water tends to distort the truth. You don’t see things as they actually are. This is where rationalization comes into play and we can delude ourselves into thinking that we are on target when are not even close.

Mercury and Venus oppose Saturn and this will indicate that some interference and possibly some delay may be inevitable. Sometimes those in charge don’t always consider the most important facts. They look for the typical fit for a situation and bypass some other very beneficial resources based on their narrow vista.

Keep believing in yourself as this is one of the most valuable resources. What you think of yourself is more important than other peoples take on the situation. Only you can give to yourself and only you can take away from yourself.

Lights, Action, Camera

There is going to be a lot of movement during the week with lots of planetary aspects and certainly with the Moon in Aries you will be taking action on many fronts. The Moon in Aries will add energy and vitality to the week. Events will bring you into the moment and require your focused attention to detail. Pluto opposes Mars and this brings about a transformation of ideas that requires you to stand behind your beliefs. You won’t be permitted to vacillate and if you do, you might get a rude awakening.

Mercury, Venus and Neptune are in close conjunction in the sign of Aquarius. This should add some mystery and imagination to this scientific and forward thinking trio of planets. Clarity will be extracted in due time. You will see exactly what the future holds and how you can best direct your energies so that you connect more effectively with others, especially friends.

With the Sun sextile Jupiter you will also feel lucky this week. You will feel invincible, as if you can do nothing wrong. This will give you a buoyant and happy feeling that should be enjoyed the whole week. Your words have an impact on others, so be sure to use them wisely. You are not the only influence, but use whatever influence you have in a positive and uplifting way.

Signed, Sealed, Delivered

There will be lots of exchanges between you and your friends during this week. Finally the ball gets rolling after what seems like an eternity of stagnation. The planets are propelling us into action. The Sun is sextile to the Moon so we can count on the fact that the left hand will know what the right hand is doing. There is a conjunction of 3 planets in the sign of Aquarius. This will result in poetic and intuitive thinking that will cause others to stop in there tracks. You seem to know things without knowing how you know them.

The planet of action, Mars will be moving into the sign of Cancer. So you will be tenacious in getting things accomplished. Don’t waste a lot of time dredging up the past and reviewing the things you “could of, should of done”. Move forward with emotional abandon. Keep as many balls in the air as possible until you are sure of what you want to make a commitment to.

Jupiter will sextile the planet Uranus. The sextile is a harmonious aspect ruled by the planet Venus. You can expect cooperation from this aspect. So with Jupiter and Uranus you will get an unexpected boost from someone who is a valuable resource to you. Pluto is just being introduced to the sign of Capricorn so brace your self for years of concentrated effort and work. Get ready to dig beneath the surface and delve into some healthy self examination.