Bring It On

This week finds you invited to some unexpected places. With the Sun in Aquarius conjunct Jupiter in Aquarius you will be socially in demand. Expand your social network during this window of opportunity especially if you have felt discouraged and haven’t been reaching out. Take a chance, you will be pleasantly surprised. Your quick mind and diplomacy will be called into action.

The Moon in Capricorn sends the message that you must be cautious but being too cautious can be a mistake too. When the Moon is in Capricorn it keeps your ambition under wraps so that you can advance without others noticing. This will allow you to get closer to what you are after without shaking up the competition.

Venus in Pisces is so romantic and conjunct Uranus in Pisces. This is a fun loving and dynamic aspect that will allow you to step out of line and say what’s really on your mind, in a kind way of course. Don’t hesitate to take advantage of this playful combination. It is sure to spice up your life. Take chances that you wouldn’t ordinarily be inclined to take. You don’t need to worry about going too far as the opposition of Saturn will set a powerful backstop.

Your mood improves significantly over the next few weeks. You will feel like you are coming back to life. You have undergone many changes in the past months but this has helped you to identify your true values. These values will be the building blocks that carry you to greater heights. Take time off to reorganize and then move ahead swiftly.

Foresight is the Mother of Invention

We have four planets in the wintry sign of Capricorn which gives us tenacity and instincts as to what will pay off in terms of our work in the future. Capricorn shows foresight and foresight is a good thing. However, too much of foresight creates anxiety. So always look ahead, but not too far ahead. We also have three planets in the sign of Aquarius and that sign is very future oriented. They like to do things that will benefit others in the future. Here we find people that see the big picture but seldom see the individual. They make a broad sweep and care for all.

We start this week with the Moon in Scorpio. This is an opportunity to look deeper into a situation. We want to get to the bottom so that we can achieve some feeling of security. We want to feel like things are really as we see them and not distorted in some way. Water by its nature tends to distort things and Scorpio being a water sign can cast some unclear conclusions. Water signs benefit from the Earth and the Earth signs (Capricorn, Taurus, Virgo) being very hard benefit from water signs by softening them up a bit. (Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces)

Venus conjunct Uranus in the sign of Pisces brings about some unsettling feelings with regard to personal relationships. Some of these feelings require action while others should be acknowledged without strong reaction. You have to examine them carefully to determine which is which. Overall the week is steady without any fireworks. This can be a comfort for some while others will be restless.

Man Proposes & God Disposes

This week may start out with your feeling like you are in a fog. The Sun in Capricorn is opposing the Moon in Cancer so as the opposition passes you will come to your senses. At Bellevue Hospital in New York City they say “prepare more beds” when the Moon is full. This aspect tends to bring out people’s craziness.

Mercury and Jupiter are in the sign of Aquarius and this will broaden your perspective. Your thinking won’t focus on you but rather you will be thinking about people collectively. Friends and their personal issues may be on your mind. Also, you have the feeling that you are part of a larger universe in which events are happening to whole groups of people rather than individuals.

Saturn continues to oppose Uranus and here we have the opposing ideals of modern and conservative thinking. The unconventional approach opposed to the conventional approach. All these matters are at hand without any sense of what the final outcome will be. We are in limbo. Things feel uncertain. These periods of change are meant to help us change some of our more crystallized beliefs and transform them into a better working psychology. This does require some effort but it is worth it.

Other current aspects tend to help us focus on the present. We feel the need for more discipline but restless on the inside. Being disciplined requires that you become more conscious and take control over the hours of your life to make them more productive and enjoyable. Plan your work and work your plan.

Environment is Our Looking Glass

Periodically we have unpleasant circumstances that we are forced to deal with directly. Naturally, that requires a closer examination of ourselves to see if, in fact, we are the cause of the situation. Sometimes we are and sometimes we aren’t. It is a matter of knowing ourselves. This takes years of patiently looking at our own psychology. It is a pain staking course of action that leads us to know ourselves better.

Circumstances are always changing. What is a problem today may be no problem tomorrow. It is important to integrate time and space. This gives us time to find the proper solution to our situation. It is wise to be a friend to ourselves. We shouldn’t be too hard on ourselves even if we find that the problem lies within us. We have to work to resolve the matter and this requires a lot of patience.

“What lies behind us and what lies before of us are small matters compared to what lies within us.”-Ralph Waldo Emerson. This is the crux of life in general. We may not be able to change things but we can change the way that we react to them. In astrology, our reaction to life and the influences of the planets has to do with the way that we receive these influences. We can change the way that we receive them.