Lots of things are happening all around you. Activity is very positive for these anxious times. When you are doing and not just thinking, you create a healthy flow of energy. Obviously you can’t always be doing something, but you shouldn’t only be thinking about doing something. Take action. You will be aided by the many aspects that are taking place at this time. Energy abounds and you can use this to your every advantage.
With the Moon in Virgo, the sign of the virgin, practical matters will be important. Virgo is very calculating so make sure that you are acting on real issues and not imagined ones. If by some chance you are wrong, Virgo’s most endearing quality is humility. Don’t be afraid to admit you are wrong even if only to yourself.
You may find that images are suddenly appearing in your mind. These images are not conscious but are emerging from the unconscious. Don’t try to repress them but rather allow them to enter the conscious mind where you can identify some of the insights that they are offering you. Allow you mind a little freedom. It’s easy for the mind to become a slave to the material values that we possess. The mind needs a break every now and then. Entertain some far fetched ideas.