Full Steam Ahead

Lots of things are happening all around you. Activity is very positive for these anxious times. When you are doing and not just thinking, you create a healthy flow of energy. Obviously you can’t always be doing something, but you shouldn’t only be thinking about doing something. Take action. You will be aided by the many aspects that are taking place at this time. Energy abounds and you can use this to your every advantage.

With the Moon in Virgo, the sign of the virgin, practical matters will be important. Virgo is very calculating so make sure that you are acting on real issues and not imagined ones. If by some chance you are wrong, Virgo’s most endearing quality is humility. Don’t be afraid to admit you are wrong even if only to yourself.

You may find that images are suddenly appearing in your mind. These images are not conscious but are emerging from the unconscious. Don’t try to repress them but rather allow them to enter the conscious mind where you can identify some of the insights that they are offering you. Allow you mind a little freedom. It’s easy for the mind to become a slave to the material values that we possess. The mind needs a break every now and then. Entertain some far fetched ideas.

Hope Springs Eternal

Sometimes having a friend can make all the difference to a human being. The air signs are call the “human signs”. In this group we have Libra, Aquarius and Gemini. During the coming week we have the Sun and Moon in the sign of Gemini. When the Sun and Moon are conjunct this is a New Moon. Air signs are intellectual signs and they love to communicate. You will find this week a time to get in touch with friends and talk freely with them.

Mercury is in Taurus and still retrograde so don’t start any new projects until after the first week of June. There are going to be delays and mix ups up until that time. Mercury is not functioning precisely so don’t rush or you may find yourself making serious mistakes in judgment. Just to complicate things we also have Jupiter and Neptune in exact conjunction in Aquarius so our feelings of compassion may be misdirected. Make sure your concern for others isn’t rooted in the need to satisfy your own personal agenda.
Also, this conjunction brings about very colorful and active dreaming.

Overall there is a lot of communication with the general population. This will give you a new perspective of yourself. You can see that you are very much like other people but other people are not necessarily exactly like you. Sorting out these illusions will bring about a clear view of your own identity. Lots of new ideas will be forthcoming.


We struggle with the unconscious. Looking into the secret side of ourselves is very difficult. It requires that we isolate the self from the non-self. If we attempt to identify what is our true nature, we will begin to feel more comfortable with ourselves.
We may seek out creative ways to walk peacefully in our own shoes. As we become able to do this, we will uncover some of our real drives. When we know what we want, it will be easier for others to know what we want and what to expect from us. Predictability is sometimes a good thing.

The mind is tricky. With our minds we see both sides of a situation and we try to choose whichever is more advantageous. Every advantage has a disadvantage and because of this, we often trick ourselves. Wisdom balances intellect. When we have a philosophy, we give form to our ideas. The word philosophy translates from its Latin root as “love of wisdom”.

Beware of trying to dominate others during the week. You will encounter resentment if you try to push your ideas too hard. The ego is a dangerous interference in the world of business. You may win the battle but lose the war. Choose carefully those fights that require you to put yourself on the line.

Quo Vadis?

This week we begin with the Sun in Taurus. Taurus is a very practical if somewhat inflexible sign. It is a fixed sign. Try to free up some your opinions so as to introduce other points of view into your thinking. The Sun is a masculine planet that represents the father and other influential male figures in your life. It shows how you realize yourself through the horoscope.

The Moon in Sagittarius is trine Venus in Aries so you are feeling organized and confident. The Moon will also trine Mars in Aries so you will be burning with energy that can be put to use in a constructive way. Jupiter is conjunct Neptune in Aquarius so you will be feeling more hospitable and generous toward others. This will have a nice sociable effect on your environment and you will feel satisfied.

There could be some small details that send you into a tizzy but you are very resourceful and it won’t be too upsetting. You are spontaneous and can easily cope with the unexpected. The mind tends to block any major disturbances that may be playing in the background. It’s not that you are ignoring them but rather you are allowing the unconscious to resolve some of the conflicts. No sense in overtaxing the conscious when being in the here and now is imperative.

Over in A Flash

The week begins with the Sun and Moon in earth signs. Practical matters will dominate especially those matters that require persistence. The Moon in Virgo trines Pluto and this will bring about an emotional catharsis. This will be good for examining old feeling forms and developing new ones. Also, the Sun is trine Saturn so projects will take on a sense of urgency and will require discipline to complete.

Jupiter conjunct Neptune in Aquarius is a continuing aspect that brings about the expansion of thoughts and the necessity of sifting through ideas and determining which are applicable. Be aware of illusions and delusions that may clarify misconceptions that currently hinder your progress in important areas. Tune into higher influences and when in doubt take the long road. Short cuts at this time may derail plans permanently.

Mars conjunct Venus in Aries will provide you with the needed energy to see things through to their conclusion. You are on the brink of a new beginning, so be patient. New ideas will open up to you and you are in a position to run with them. You have the feeling that you are not making progress but this is not the case. The wheels of progress turn slowly, therefore, continue to pursue your goals. Success is just around the corner.