This week brings everything and nothing. It is a zero sum game. The planetary influences come together to create a moderate amount of anxiety. It is hard to detect exactly where the pressure is coming from but it weighs on you nevertheless. This anxiety tends to sap your strength so it is important to be kind to yourself. Take extra vitamins and don’t overwork.
Fill your hours with activities that allow you to sweat out the toxins that could be accumulating due to added stress. Take a long walk, go to the gym, ride a bike. Doing something physical will reduce your feeling of anxiety. Keep your attention focused on situations that require your immediate action. Don’t worry about things that are far in the future.
This would be a good week to concentrate on your finances. Try to organize them so that they don’t distract you when other important issues are pressing. Organize your finances so that you don’t have to revisit the matter for at least another year. This will free your mind to take care of emotional and intellectual problems.
There appears to be information coming your way that may change your perception of a current situation. Be open to this as it will create a golden opportunity for you in the near future. Friends support you at this time.