Your Spiritual Compass

This week you are going to have to fight hard to get rid of the malaise. You are feeling a bit under the weather due to the uncertainty of future world affairs. Everything seems up in the air. You desperately would like to have your feet on the ground but it isn’t going to happen for a while. Get used to this uncertain sensation as it will be with you for the next few weeks.

People are venting their anger at whoever looks like the weak link. It is now clear that our economic future is not going to improve anytime soon. This has been years in the making and now everyone is demanding accountability. Stay focused on your own problems and situation so that you don’t dilute your energy. If you are angry, do something constructive. You can do a lot to improve your own circumstances.

Unexpected turns of fate will prevail in the coming weeks. What you thought was a definitely going to happen may take a sudden and unpredicted change of direction. Remember that everything can be used positively. Try to stay optimistic.

Dedicate yourself to working hard, have goodwill toward others and respect the point of view of everyone. We all come to our points of view through our unique circumstances of life. We can’t make judgments about other people’s actions as we can’t see the whole picture. Tolerance and patience are virtues that should be pursued.

Sunny Side Up

Light bulbs are going off in your head, it’s one bright idea after the next. This is thanks to the sextile between Mercury and Pluto. You are able to see clearly below the surface. This is an experience that will last only briefly, but you can gain a lot of insight during this planetary aspect. Also, you will fully comprehend the nature of people and realize that it’s important not to take things too personally. It’s not you, it’s human nature. You don’t have to show embarrassment, you didn’t create the human race. This experience goes a long way in giving you information about your self. How compassionate and kind you are depends on your own nature.

The French have a saying, “changez la nature”. You can change your nature. This can be a life long pursuit, however, it is an important element of evolution. Jupiter and Uranus are trine and both are retrograde. You find yourself going over your previous steps that have taken to where you are now. Inspiration is necessary to get things moving. After that, it’s just plain hard work.

Your emotions are stabilizing and you can move forward with purpose. After last week’s explosive reaction, you can establish a more constructive and productive direction. There are still some hard feelings that prevail in the form of anger. Give up your anger and you will be much more pleasant to be around and you will like yourself better, too. Otherwise, use your anger to motivate yourself. “Living well is the best revenge.”

A Healthy Harvest

No good deed goes unpunished. Doing the right thing has it’s drawbacks but never the less it is always good to have the courage. You may sense that people are holding back their true feelings and if this is the case, that’s a good thing. They know that if they let you have it that it could have an unfortunate affect on them. Nothing like a little intimidation to keep things interesting.

People seem to be on an emotional roller coaster. They fear the ramifications of venting their true feelings. Try to stay calm and don’t antagonize these hapless souls as they might unleash their unhappy feelings on you. This is an experience that you can live without.

Venus and Mars are in Scorpio so criticism comes with a muted and creative tone. Also, the Moon is in Aquarius so you are concerned about friends and neighbors. Treat them gently and they will show their appreciation.

Surprise announcements might catch you flat footed but try to keep a positive spin on it no matter what you really think. You can be more outspoken at a later date when others are definitely going to be more receptive.

Enjoy the Fall season as it is the time of harvest. This is your bounty for all of your tireless efforts. Be gracious about unusual requests that go beyond your scope of duties. Generosity is a rare quality these days but occasionally it is good to throw around some extra kindness.


People are actually starting to think. They are thinking, instead of repeating slogans and words that make no sense. They are delving into analysis and really thinking about where their impetuous and infantile thinking will ultimately take them. They are starting to think about what will move them forward in a world with a very uneven playing field.A world in which the rich get richer and the poor get poorer. The wheels of justice grind slowly. But more importantly, who is “they”?

Feelings are running wild. Mars & Venus& the Moon in Scorpio show a very strong emotional reaction to upcoming events. However, it is important to harness this energy for constructive purposes. It can mean the difference between success and failure. Don’t let yourself be bullied by people who don’t have your best interests at heart. We don’t lose your rights, we often give them up because we feel inadequate and undeserving. Question the motives of others.

A negative tone prevails for a couple of more weeks and then you will experience a kind of revelation. There is a reaction to every action. Be careful what you wish for, you may actually get it. Sanity will dominate.

Time Flies

The wheels of justice grind slowly. That is the common understanding of our judicial system. Personally, I believe in divine justice, however, it isn’t swift enough. That is why we have prisons. I don’t know why this suddenly occurs to me. Maybe it is because the Sun is in Libra which is represented by the scales. Libra is always trying to balance. In French, the sign Libra is called “Balance”.

Both the Sun and Saturn are in Libra. It shows that you are serious about fairness. We want life to be fair. I would have to say from my own experience that life isn’t always fair but there is always something positive to be attained in every situation. It is a matter of putting things into perspective. You can receive life in such a way that it is positive or negative. That is where free will comes into play. It is all in the way you look at it.

Some choices have been put before you that require you to assess the best path for you to follow. The concept of time is always a consideration. You can begin anew in a different environment or you can work with current circumstances and situations. This is where the balancing act comes in. It is wise to choose whatever is timely but also whatever is best for your health and peace of mind. All things being equal, time is the most important. Tempus fugit.

Luck and circumstances come together in a timely way. Luck is above the horoscope.
Good fortune follows the courageous one. When opportunity knocks you must be prepared to move forward. Stay vigilant and be decisive and you will succeed at those things which are important to you.