
Things come in threes or at least that’s what they say. That’s often true in astrology where a planet will approach an aspect to another planet and then go retrograde and then go direct. This can happen 2 or 3 times especially with the slower moving planets like Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto. Usually the planets are giving you a chance to warm up to the kind of changes that you will need to be making. By the 3rd approach, you should be much less resistant to the influences of the planets.

Basically, the astrology chart gives you a plan to work with. You can upgrade your destiny. We all can. But the influences of the planets are always going to play themselves out on some level. The level of manifestation is where you can influence destiny and use free will. Planets influence; through their own nature, by position, by disposition and by ricochet (to the opposite house and sign).

Mars will always be Mars. But Mars in Capricorn will manifest differently from Mars in Aries. Mars in Capricorn is disposed by Saturn. Mars in Aries is in domicile and therefore manifests itself more true to the nature of Mars because Mars is the ruler of Aries.

Hard aspects are designed to soften our position toward certain situations. If we become more crystallized and intransient, it will be felt much more harshly than if we learn to yield to the forces of nature. We have to struggle to be in harmony with nature and when we accomplish this, things miraculously move in our favor.

The Die is Cast

Sometimes you just have to go forward with your own truth. You have to cross the line of no return. That being said, you are the one who pays for it. We all pay for what we want and we pay for what we don’t want. This is one of the hardships of life. We really can’t have everything. We have to make choices. Once you’ve made your choices, it requires discipline and work for them to manifest.

It’s good to contemplate some of the more serious aspects of life and to learn to concentrate. 24 hours a day is not too much and it can be done without the feeling of being weighed down. Perspective is important. It depends on whether we see our life as 80 or 90 years in length or a continuation over centuries, a kind of everlasting life. This is a choice too and affects the way that we solve problems. Remember you can’t take it with you (at least not the material things).

Character is destiny. We see that very clearly in the horoscope. The first house of character is the cause of the tenth house, destiny. You could also say that the first house of personality is the cause of the tenth house, profession. I might even take it a step further and say that “who is good enough for the bed, is good enough for the table.” There are countless applications in astrology that you could apply to this single scenario.

These are good times, astrologically, to think about who you really are.

Rain Just Keeps Falling

Making changes in our point of view requires having been awakened in some way. Something jolts us from our sleep. We become more conscious through our unique experiences that shape and change the way that we see things. In a way, we are locked in our unconscious. To become conscious requires a catalyst of some kind. It may simply be some imperceptible or passing thought or idea that takes us in a new direction. We are all catalysts when we share our thoughts and ideas with others.

We should accept that everyone is entitled to their point of view even when it doesn’t agree with our own. We grow through our experiences and the experiences of other people. We can show compassion and empathy for the experiences of others which broaden our own knowledge and self understanding. Listening is one of the most valuable abilities.

Expressing ourselves is our right and we can do this as long as we are mindful of other people’s opinions and their right of expression. Ultimately all of these thoughts become things. Things are tangible and become difficult to manage. So having things is a burden as well as a blessing. Choose your things wisely.

Hippocrates said it best; “Life is short, art is long, experience gained with much pain, judgment highly difficult.”

A Negative Victory

It’s really all in the details. People change right before your very eyes, but slowly and imperceptibly. If you are an observant human being, you can see this transformation as it unfolds. However, it may be very subtle and difficult to see. It’s important to be vigilant so that you don’t miss some important developments.

The personality is shown in the horoscope by the ascendant. The astrological sign that you have rising reflects your persona. In astrology, this is 80% the most important thing because it shows how you receive the planetary influences. How you see yourself and others is critical to the outcome.

“Man is not the creature of circumstances but circumstances are the creatures of men.” –Benjamin Disraeli. How we see our life and others create the circumstances that we encounter. It begins with us. We are the creators of our own destiny. Character is destiny.

There will be opportunities to clear up misunderstandings that may have occurred. This will bring harmony and peace of mind to your current situation.