Now is an excellent time to review past performance. Keep an eye on what may have been a trigger for your anxieties during the year. Try to alleviate the fear by moving into it. Take a closer look at it and get a better understanding of it. By doing this, you will begin to feel more at ease with the areas of life that have been problematic. Don’t try to side step the issues, but look at them squarely.
Many changes are occurring that will have a lasting effect on you and the people around you. You are like a puzzle piece. When you change, those around you will change too. Make sure that your quest for change is a beneficial one and not self destructive. It is important to use foresight when making decisions. Look down the road and see what the end result will be. Take the long road.
Be adventurous but know that there are boundaries. Rash behavior can lead to unwanted results. Patience is the only virtue. You may be fed up and impatient but this pays no dividends. Control yourself. Direct your conscious mind to give you inner peace and confidence. What truly belongs to you cannot be taken away.
Lighten up for the holidays. Give yourself the benefit of the doubt. Good fortune follows the courageous one.