Finally you have gotten the project off the ground. You are headed down a new path that should prove satisfying as well as productive. You should congratulate yourself for making the effort that has taken many months to accomplish. Working a project through the beginning stages is very difficult and requires al lot of patience. Patience is the only virtue.
Start to tie up any looses ends and eliminate any debt that you may have incurred over the previous few years. It’s good to start fresh without any encumbrances. Take a break now that you have gotten the ball rolling. Put your feet up and enjoy completely this restful recline.
Jupiter goes direct this week so you will be getting some extra help with finances and some good luck in general. All that you have been striving for will get a boost. Remember that Jupiter’s nature is to expand so make sure that you don’t expand too quickly as this will have a negative effect on your circumstances.
You are at your most practical at this time with many planets in earth signs. Don’t let this drag down your spirits as thinking too much about the mundane can do this. Focus on the details but don’t lose sight of the big picture.
Take notice of what is around you but also notice what is missing. What is missing often holds clues to improving the total you.
Season’s Greetings!