A Mulligan

If you think you are getting mixed messages, you are not alone.  It seems like people are shuttling you off to the next world expo and you can’t be gone soon enough.  Perhaps you are looking at things through a magnifying glass.  You are hyper-sensitive to the ruminations of other people right now.  Try not to take it personally and simply let go of what doesn’t really apply.  Maybe the others are just being helpful or they are not even aware of the vibes that they are sending.

Still there is the nagging feeling that you are missing something.  Maybe you just aren’t getting it.  What you take away from this feeling is entirely up to you.  Just a word of caution, don’t over react. Tamp down the insecurities that may be welling up in you.  You can control this if you try.

If you can get beyond your mild feelings of paranoia, you will see that these are exaggerations of your own mind.  You are trapped in your own unconscious.  Get moving in some direction that will take you away from your self-scrutiny.  This will end the paralysis and start the juices flowing – all the juices; mental, physical, creative, etc.

This is a good time to do tasks that you would prefer to postpone.  Just get it done.

Down The Rabbit Hole

This week you may sense that you have gotten yourself into something that may be a lot bigger than you could have imagined.  In fact, you feel like a fish out of water.  Stop floundering and implement your emergency contingency plan.  You will probably need it.  Objectivity got a lot of people into a lot of trouble.  Panic will not ensue unless you choose to do nothing.  Action is required.

Recently, you probably have been concerned with possessions.  What belongs to you cannot be taken away.  In fact, only we can give to ourselves and only we can take away from ourselves.  Don’t try to control your environment but rather think that you will always have what you really need. When you stop trying to control things, you will obtain a great deal more freedom.

Freedom allows you to focus on the things that are really important. It cuts down on your anxiety and gives spontaneity to your decision making. Clear skies are ahead. You just need to remember that you are responsible for creating the circumstances that you desire.  To create the best circumstances, you must be conscious.

Old friends are thinking of you.  You might be hearing from them soon. Enjoy reminiscing about the past.

The Turning Point

Now that you have gotten the greater part of your project in the works, you can take five.  You rushed getting the preliminary aspects of the job complete and now you are feeling at loose ends. Everything will come together over the next 6 months.  By the end of this time period, you will feel much more secure.  That is not to say that there won’t be more struggles ahead but you will definitely be up to it.

Your read on what is currently happening in the world seems to be contrary to the general consensus.  Follow your own point of view and see where it leads.  You’ll never know if you consider others ideas and opinions to be greater than your own.  You must believe in yourself.  Trust your own thinking.

It is a generally contradictory time when many people are feeling passionate about their own personal problems.  They may not be very sensitive to your feelings.  Forget about it.  Don’t take it personally and continue to be thoughtful and conscientious even though you may not get it in return.  Eventually, they will come around.

Your spirits may rise and fall this week.  You are happy one minute and anxious and perplexed the next.  Try not to get flustered.  This is a transient period that will soon pass.  Make up for it by remembering all that you have accomplished.  You will be feeling much better when it all comes together.

A Pearson

If you are feeling a little cloudy, you are not the only one.  It is remarkable how unclear the information coming into view really is.  You keep thinking that eventually the truth will emerge but it seems to take a turn that you are not expecting. This is no reason for discouragement, but rather an opportunity to purge your own memory of things that may be coloring your own reality.

Keep your projects on the back burner.  You don’t need to be moving forward all the time.  Take a break and do something relaxing or unconventional.  Take yourself away from your usual environment and get a fresh look at other lifestyles.  You could use an update of your own psychology.  Perhaps you have lapsed in some kind of ennui.

Change your approach to problem solving.  Try something different.  You may have become too regimented and inflexible when it comes to resolving long term problems.  It’s important to put a different spin on the matter.  You may be missing the point entirely.

Stay vigilant you may glean a slight of hand.  It’s always good to improve your skill at magic tricks.