Two Plus Two

Finally, you can take a breather.  The last several weeks have been filled with angst and uncertainty.  Not that these feelings will totally subside but they will at least be less troublesome.  “High five” yourself for execution of a project that didn’t look like it was going anywhere.  You will have the laws of nature directing you toward your destination. Allow yourself to be directed and don’t fight the momentum.

Spend more time putting ideas into action.  Too much thinking doesn’t get the job done.  You’ve spent plenty of time formulating your plan, so just do it.  No one wants to make mistakes but sometimes you have to take a risk. As long as you have thought things out well, move forward with purpose.

There are some people who genuinely have your back.  They know you and are willing to put their reputation on the line.  Don’t disappoint them by dropping the ball.  Opportunity knocks!

Gradually discipline yourself to take care of all the details. Don’t leave loose ends that will sabotage a good deal.  Organization is the key to good management. Use the key.

Unintended Consequences

This week will have you wondering if you need to consult with an astrologer or psychologist.  Your closely held values come squarely under attack. This isn’t a bad thing as it will get you to think about why it is that you hold these values.  It will help you examine the experiences in your life that have molded your character.  It is difficult to change your nature but it is possible. Be open to making some adjustments that lead to a more positive outcome.

The law of unintended consequences seems to be at work.  Sometimes our actions have the best of intentions but ultimately prove to be detrimental in some way.  It is important to take the long view of the issue.  You have to anticipate the long term ramifications.  Become a good chess player.

Some of the choices that have been available to you in the previous few years are now entering a period of time where you will now be forced to follow through.  If you don’t make the choice then one will be made for you.  Getting backed into a corner is not an ideal position.  Take a chance on what you really want.

Office politics reveals that most have been standing around the same water cooler.  Seek information from a more reliable source.  The big picture is elusive.

Baby Steps

There are some exciting changes taking place that will shift some of your ideas to a deeper, more independent phase. You have devoted a lot of time to developing new relationships but now must shift that emphasis to the underlying financial responsibilities that are now pressing.   This seems daunting but can be approached on a step by step basis.  Stay focused on your intent.  Know what exactly it is that you want to accomplish and keep this in mind at all times.

Better is the enemy of good.  It is the tendency to want the best but this can lead down a road that is completely unattainable.  Keep your expectations within the parameters of good.  As long as you are doing your very best, you don’t have to worry about unimportant details.  These small issues will resolve themselves.

Make sure to take some time for yourself when you are not distracted by any forms of communication.  Take a break from the electronics in your life.  It is important to experience some down time so that you can recharge.

Major accomplishments are now within reach.  Most of these will be realized by the end of this year.  Now that you have gotten what you want, you have a lot of work to do.  A new beginning is always difficult.


Don’t Bring Peanuts

It’s a great time to think about taking a trip to an exotic destination.  You need a change of scenery.  If it isn’t possible to take a vacation at this time then get out and enjoy a movie or something that allows you to unwind.  You deserve a break due to the added pressures of the past several weeks.

Check in with friends and relatives and see how they are doing during this very difficult time.  A few encouraging words will go a long way.  Also, compare notes and you will see that you are not the only one that has been undergoing these trying times. 

Continue to make new connections with people and allow yourself the freedom to do things that will energize you. Exercise and a good diet will aid you in feeling more robust.  You are branching out into new areas of experience.  These new areas will harmonize to become a much better working solution. Stay optimistic. You are only a short distance from reaching your goal.

External influences can be mitigated by having a strong focus.  Stay on the track and don’t be distracted by the objections of those who have a different agenda.  You have made your choice and should stick to it.  Vacillation will only cause confusion. 

Down the Rabbit Hole Again

There is an absence of momentum that is overtaking the entire world.  Everything at this moment seems frozen in time.  It is as if we are at the eye of the hurricane and the path has yet to be determined.  We are at the tipping point.  I don’t mean to make our lives seem so precarious but in a way, they are.  Major institutions are being shaken to the core.  New forms of energy are making their way into the universe.  Everything is shifting and it isn’t possible to anticipate in what direction.

Clearly, we must wait for more input before we can be decisive in our actions.  There is not yet a clear path in which to realize our destinies.  Don’t try to project too far into the future as this will increase your anxiety.  Allow things to come to you.  It isn’t always necessary to pursue things aggressively. 

In the grand scheme of things, we can only manage our own little lives.  But, little or not it is important to manage yourself well.  Clear the cobwebs from your mind and let the light of consciousness shine.  This is your life.  You can live it to the best of your ability.

Good fortune follows the courageous one. Be bold and stick to what you believe in and don’t be influenced by other agendas that don’t have much to do with you.  Be true to yourself.