A Myopic View

The grass is looking greener on the other side.  This is nothing new but this is being echoed in your mind on a regular basis lately.  Sometimes you would rather be anywhere but where you are at this moment.  Boredom or restlessness are usually the culprits and often set this feeling of dissatisfaction in motion. Everyone goes through these periods so be careful not to over react.  Get to the bottom of it and make changes that you won’t regret later.

You are surrounded by many situations that are undergoing change.  This is a good time to remain flexible as you may have to unexpectedly maneuver around unforeseen obstacles. Your quick thinking will get you through in good order.  Spontaneity is well prepared.

You have been doing inventory on your psychology.  You are establishing what works and what needs to be discarded.  You know what serves your purpose and determine what no longer represents your value system.  This is a particularly production time and may also be somewhat painful.

The Sun is in Sagittarius now so you may feel more energetic even though you seem to be carrying a heavy load in consideration of the other planetary influences. Remember everything is changing all of the time.  If you don’t like it, be patient and it will pass.


Nowhere Man

You are being hit by an avalanche of uncertainty and this is making you feel extremely uneasy.  Remember that one step is the beginning of a long journey.  Go step by step to alleviate your anxiety.  You may not be able to predict exactly the outcome but you can moderate the way you feel about it.

Due to planetary configurations, you are getting the squeeze.  Hatch a plan to get additional support at home or at work.  You may have to bring in new people on the job front to help meet the demand.  Don’t worry about added expenditures.  They are necessary at the moment.

Headwinds will die down at the end of the month.  You’ll be able to take a deep breath and realize all that you have accomplished.  Until then, go slowly.  Make definite choices and don’t equivocate on important issues.

Do what is truly best for you and you will be doing what is best for others.  Don’t let yourself down. Create your own destiny.

Time Waits for No Man

There is a limit to power.  We as human beings have limited power in the greater scheme of things.  We must work within our limits to make changes and mitigate events.  “Free will” is available to us but we have to reach for it.  When we use “free will” we take some control over our destiny.  Our destiny is a dual responsibility of “free will” and “higher influences.”  

We are given a set of tools to work with and what we do with them is within our control.  We may not get to choose the tools that we are given but the application is at least partially up to us. Intelligence is an excellent tool but it should be balanced with wisdom.  Today, intelligence is often misused.  Wisdom is the ability to integrate time and space.

Take the long road.  You can obtain everything is you use foresight and patience.  Not to mention that the trip will be much smoother.  Removing excessive anxiety from your lifestyle pays big dividends.  It allows you stay youthful and this is a benefit for the long haul.

Decide where you stand.  Now is the time to make a commitment. If you don’t have a preference, you still need to make a choice.  You can no longer straddle the fence of indecision.  Every choice has advantages and disadvantages.  You pay for what you want and you pay for what you don’t want.



Old Sins Cast Long Shadows

This will be an especially significant week as there will be big changes that finally see the light of day.  There has been a lot going on behind the scenes but the “powers that be” are alerting the masses.  It is becoming harder and harder to identify the illusory.  There are two powerfully determined opposite points of view.  Which one is the alternate reality?  Only you can decide.

Make way for the real you.  By revealing the real “you” to others, you allow them to experience themselves.  We are mirrors to each other and that is why it is important to express yourself accurately. It’s informative to see the true reaction. Use these insights to build a stronger self-esteem.

This may be a good time to come to terms with past hidden secrets.  You have to face them openly. It is a good time for healing any old wounds that have held you back.  You are in the mood to forgive but not to forget. 

Whatever the results of this week, you will finally be free to move on to the next dimension.  This clears the road ahead for some really constructive and satisfying growth. Make the most of the coming few months as this will be the foundation for new enterprises.