You need to get fired up. You have all sorts of ideas floating around in your head and no focus or plan to put them to work. With the Sun in practical Capricorn, you will begin to formulate a plan to get things moving. Now that the holidays are behind, you don’t have any more excuses for postponing those things that really need to get done. Dedicate a day or two to cleaning off your desk and then go to town.
You will get the occasional lightning bolt that gets your creative juices flowing. You will get a flash of information that seems to appear out of nowhere. Learn to trust your instincts and rely less on other people’s opinions. This will help you become more self-assured. You have just as good a chance of being right as they do.
Dig deep in order to get all the facts. Don’t assume. Your judgment is likely going to become a center piece of any negotiations. It is good to be thorough and it will be noticed by those who can make a difference. Elevate your mood by staying focused on the positive.
Take a little time to enjoy yourself. Take a walk or a ride on your bicycle. This will help in keeping your mind clear.