Outer Limits

The Sun is entering the masculine, fixed, air sign of Aquarius.  It is ruled by Saturn and Uranus.  The combination gives way to a dual perspective of both facts and interferences.  Making predictions from astrological influences can be tricky.  It is usually done by synthesizing the planetary influences. Considerations may include the natal chart, the solar return, transits and primary directions, etc. Nevertheless, interferences are difficult to predict.  You may find that you have a promise with many indications or that you have many indications that yield no promise. When there are interferences, all bets are off. 
By understanding an individual’s psychology, it is possible to see their future.  Certain behaviors tend to create predictable ends. We as individuals are to some degree responsible for our destinies. Character is destiny. But there are many influences that dictate our future.  The more conscious we become, the better chance we have of using free will.  Not all is “free will.” We suffer from generations of genetics and psychologies that we must organize and integrate.

Life is filled with contradictions. Many puzzling things will surround us during our lives. There are many things that will remain a mystery throughout our lives. As human beings we try to unveil these truths but we are limited by time and space in our earthly life.

No Man is an Island

You may find that you have painted yourself into a tight corner.  This may be OK if you planned to give yourself no alternatives.  Sometimes it’s the only way to force self-compliance. Granted it is a back door approach but it does occasionally work.  Perhaps I am overthinking the situation which may ultimately become a circular type of logic.
Whatever the outcome, I’m sure either consciously or unconsciously it is what you are aiming for. The mind (ruled by Mercury) is very tricky.  Good business people have a powerful Mercury.  The purpose is to out maneuver your competitor.  Mercury is astute at the task.  Mercury moves into the sign of Aquarius where new found ingenuity is budding.
Wisdom (ruled by Jupiter) opposes intelligence (ruled by Mercury).  It takes experience to make the two work together.  It is an important task as life is short.  We get old too soon and smart too late. The key is to integrate time and space.  All problems can be solved in time and space.  Time (the fourth and tenth house) and space (the first and the seventh house) form the axis of astrology.

Keep moving and doing.

The House that Jack Built

Our minds are often working overtime to create a sense of security.  We insulate ourselves in the hope of feeling that we are on the right track.  We avoid letting in any information that may indicate that something to the contrary is happening in our sphere. But sometimes, even with all the sealing up of the edges, things start to seep in.  This happens so that we may gain a broader and more balanced perspective.  It makes us feel uneasy.  We are always trying to reinforce our psychology.  We look for positive reinforcement.
Change is the only constant.  The more comfortable we feel with the concept, the happier we will feel.  The planet Saturn has to do with crystallization.  It is the need to control things and to maintain the status quo.  But Saturn is also known as the transcendental planet.  We pass through the material to the spiritual. Both are necessary.
The more we are able to achieve non-attachment, the more free we begin to feel.  We need things but they don’t have to consume our lives.  We become more confident when we achieve a balance between the material and the spiritual.  The extremes are the enemy.  Extremes can turn a decent person into an indecent one.
Carve out your niche but be open to incoming influences. Feel good about others and enjoy a sense of goodwill.

On the Pedestal

You start to broaden your thinking to include other possibilities now. Until recently, there seemed to be only one path.  There are many options if we are willing to consider them.  Take the road less traveled.  It may take longer to get there but you will have a greater appreciation of what you have accomplished.
New ideas make an appearance.  Allow them to enter your consciousness where you can fully assess their value.  Take the time to consider all points of view.  This time is important for setting a course for the future.  Take deliberate steps to insure your success.
You may have recently had some unexpected developments in your life.  It is good that you can exercise patience while putting these new ideas to work.  Spontaneity is well prepared.  You deal with the unexpected in a new way.
The New Year is a great time to look forward.  Don’t dwell on last year’s problems. The future looks bright when you are focused on positive influences. Patience is the only virtue.  

The Best Laid Plans of Mice & Men

Sometimes things don’t go as planned.  Man proposes and God disposes.  As human beings we make an effort toward a goal and yet we must allow higher influences to bring about the final disposition. We don’t have total control over our lives and environment.  We can only do our best.
The Sun enters the sign of Capricorn which is a Feminine, Cardinal, Earth sign.  Sometimes even with the sure footed goat we feel a little wobbly.  It’s like the goat has Teflon hooves. That is why Capricorns take their time.  They aren’t rushed into making impetuous moves.  Go slowly and you will arrive sooner.
In general, the week brings a lot of cooperation from friends and co-workers.  It’s as if they want to assist you in finding your way.  You may be reluctant to accept this assistance but be gracious and utilize ideas that meet your value system.
This is a good time to decide what adjustments to make for your future.  Go step by step and don’t rush the outcome. Allow new incoming information to impress you.  Synthesize but also concentrate on the task at hand.
Enjoy the holidays and envision a healthy and happy New Year.

Pandora’s Box

Sagittarius is the most impetuous sign of the zodiac. The Sun is now in Sagittarius and being ruled by Jupiter is fiery and expansive. Sagittarius are very enthusiastic and they are truth seeking. They have a flexible nature but are not terribly diplomatic.

We have a choice between being optimistic and pessimistic.  That is our choice. But why not be an optimist, you pay the same price.  Double bodied signs such as Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius and Pisces see both sides of a situation. Both sides have advantages and disadvantages.  They make their choices based on what advances their agenda.  Truth is illusive for all the signs.

Human beings are tempted and suffer all the evils of the human condition. But like the story of Pandora’s box, at the bottom, there is hope. We are curious creatures and this leads to some unhappiness. Curiosity isn’t enough. We need to have a more serious questioning of life. We need to find our purpose, our reason to be.

Don’t be afraid to dig deeper into your own psyche. The answers are contained in the questions.

Put Some Pepper In It

New ideas are popping up and the need to act on them is strong.  You are compulsive when it comes to completing a job.  It is important to think before you speak.  The tongue is one of our greatest enemies. Why ruin a good thing by speaking your mind. Wait until you feel more settled before going out on a limb. Everyone will appreciate your discretion.

You realize that there are new deadlines to meet.  Everything flows easily now and getting things done is no burden.  Mars is entering the sign of Libra where you will not feel the need to hold back.  Brace yourself for a lot of activity in the coming months. You will be seeing both sides of a situation and you will be in a position to make excellent decisions.

You have been dragging your feet about taking some personal time for a vacation.  You now feel liberated enough to plan an interesting adventure.  Choose a trip with historical importance. This can be a learning experience that stays with you for years to come.

Go the distance where personal relationships are concerned.  Others may be feeling especially sensitive. Don’t push their buttons.


Let’s Make A Deal

It is a good thing the Sun is in Sagittarius trine Uranus in Aries (lots of enthusiasm and staying power) because the rest of the planets are plumbing the depths of human emotion. You feel a sense of nervousness and angst that will persist until all of these emotions are digested or otherwise dealt with. Many of these feelings are brought on by our inability to cope with hyperactivity and emotional

You have spent many months digging into the unknown past but you should dig all the way.  If you dig half way, you won’t get the answers that you deeply desire.  Sometimes this process requires meditation and circumspection.

Clearly, when these issues have passed and you start to feel stronger and better about your current life circumstances, you will begin to develop the security that you are driving for.  This feeling of security has to come from within.  You can’t get it from someone else. 
Building up a sense of belonging and finding your right place in society is high on your list of priorities.  You want to make a contribution to humanity as a whole but in order to do that you must be on firm ground.  You must feel that life and higher influences support you.  This is a time to be centered and resist going to extremes.  Your hopes and wishes will be fulfilled in the right time.

A Myopic View

The grass is looking greener on the other side.  This is nothing new but this is being echoed in your mind on a regular basis lately.  Sometimes you would rather be anywhere but where you are at this moment.  Boredom or restlessness are usually the culprits and often set this feeling of dissatisfaction in motion. Everyone goes through these periods so be careful not to over react.  Get to the bottom of it and make changes that you won’t regret later.

You are surrounded by many situations that are undergoing change.  This is a good time to remain flexible as you may have to unexpectedly maneuver around unforeseen obstacles. Your quick thinking will get you through in good order.  Spontaneity is well prepared.

You have been doing inventory on your psychology.  You are establishing what works and what needs to be discarded.  You know what serves your purpose and determine what no longer represents your value system.  This is a particularly production time and may also be somewhat painful.

The Sun is in Sagittarius now so you may feel more energetic even though you seem to be carrying a heavy load in consideration of the other planetary influences. Remember everything is changing all of the time.  If you don’t like it, be patient and it will pass.


Nowhere Man

You are being hit by an avalanche of uncertainty and this is making you feel extremely uneasy.  Remember that one step is the beginning of a long journey.  Go step by step to alleviate your anxiety.  You may not be able to predict exactly the outcome but you can moderate the way you feel about it.

Due to planetary configurations, you are getting the squeeze.  Hatch a plan to get additional support at home or at work.  You may have to bring in new people on the job front to help meet the demand.  Don’t worry about added expenditures.  They are necessary at the moment.

Headwinds will die down at the end of the month.  You’ll be able to take a deep breath and realize all that you have accomplished.  Until then, go slowly.  Make definite choices and don’t equivocate on important issues.

Do what is truly best for you and you will be doing what is best for others.  Don’t let yourself down. Create your own destiny.