Keep Your Eyes Wide Open

Plan your work and work your plan. This is a really great saying because it puts you in an active and purposeful state of mind. State of mind is very important these days because it is easy to drift toward negative thoughts and actions. Stay focused on what you want to accomplish and on the path to success the doors will open for you. However, without setting your intention you will drift along like a ship at sea. Put some wind in your sails and head for your destination.

The world seems a bit unstable but little by little it will improve along with your psychology. Remember that planets influence you the way that you receive the planetary influences. It is all in the way you look at it. Try to see the possibilities in all situations even if they are not ideal. The purpose of life is to open our minds and hearts to new horizons. Look beyond your current frontiers and try to expand them as this is what evolution is all about.

Be compassionate to your fellow man as times are difficult. Set a good example because that is what people are helped by most. If they see that you can get along with drive and optimism that is inspirational. Most of all, be your own friend. There are plenty of people that will gladly hit you over the head so don’t do it to yourself. Spring is in the air and this is the best time to start something new.

Silence is Golden

A lot is forgiven to those who love too much. Sometimes this kind of caring is more than people feel comfortable with. Too much and too little are the enemies. It’s part of our evolutionary task to discover the middle ground. That is the place that allows us to give and take in an equitable way. Actually, you can harm someone by giving too much. If you give more than 50% then they won’t feel obligated to meet you half way. Meeting someone half way is a matter of “fairness”.

The Moon in Scorpio likes to plumb the depths of psychology. If you are trying to uncover some secret make sure that you dig all the way. It wouldn’t be an advantage to arrive at a half truth. Mars is just entering the sign of Pisces so you see aggressive Mars enter the sign of compassion. Be careful though this can lead to a kind of emotional intimidation that doesn’t deliver any good results.

Spring brings a new energy to your whole being. Enjoy the longer days and additional sunlight as this is uplifting and can eliminate some depressing feelings that have been lingering. Treat yourself to something tactile. A massage or facial would be most relaxing. Concentrate on developing your inner voice as this is what guides you through trying times. Good fortune follows the courageous one.

Circumstances are the Creatures of Men

It seems that the general public is in a cautious mode. They don’t know what to do next as if they are experiencing a kind of paralysis. This is to be expected as there are so many unknown entities. Take your time to synthesize the facts. Wait until it all adds up to something substantial and then make your move. Right or wrong you will eventually have to take action. No one likes to be wrong but that is the risk that you must take.

Serious conversations are taking place with regard to your future. You have the need to make concrete plans. It is very disconcerting to have everything up in the air. Take a deep breath and be thankful for the opportunities that you do have and then get out there and do something with yourself. You must move forward.

Develop small opportunities to expand your possibilities of generating income. These little things may not seem like much but they may blossom into something quite productive. We tend to underestimate the power of going step by step. We want to get to where we are going in one giant step. It’s painful to have to exercise patience but that is your obligation. All things can be accomplished if you integrate time and space.

Don’t Cry Me A River

The week begins with the Moon in Taurus. Taurus is ruled by Venus so you will be concerned with your creature comforts. The Sun in Pisces which is where your conscious mind will be directed, provides for some emotional turmoil and feelings of retribution. Try to see the big picture and spend time working on constructive projects without getting swept into remorse.

With Mercury conjunct Mars, your mind will be speeding over information quickly and you could miss some very important details in your haste. Slow down your thinking and focus on each aspect of what you are considering. Also, Jupiter brings you luck in your associations with friends. They may give you a good recommendation or steer you toward some opportunity. Be a good listener so that you don’t miss something important.

Four planets in Aquarius provide lots of interaction with the public. You’ll be meeting new people who will be with you for years to come. So be kind. New experiences are coming your way, so prepare yourself to meet these challenges. Venus in Aries will make a sextile aspect to Mars in Aquarius. This will spice up your night life. Live a little!

Not So Easy Going

With 5 planets in the sign of Aquarius you will find that friends play a major role in your plans now. However, it reminds me of a saying, “I can save myself from my enemies, but God save me from my friends.” Sometimes friends present unintended obstacles to your advancement. Unfortunately, you’ll just have to suffer through these times. Eventually, you’ll be able to rectify any errors of judgment and get things back on track.

The planet Jupiter has a prominent place in the sky at the moment as many of the planets send aspects to Jupiter in Aquarius. Help is on the way like it or not. When you are searching for something you may now need to cast a wide net. Don’t rely on the usual suspects to move things along. Instead reach out and find new sources of enrichment.
Also, resist the temptation to over-think situations. Rely on your instincts.

Activity creates options. In your travel along the path of life you will see that some information has been obscured from your vision. That is why if you go slowly you will arrive sooner. You can avoid making mistakes that have serious consequences. Take the time to examine a situation carefully. You will see that the picture keeps changing as more information becomes available to you.

Knock Yourself Out

Things are inflating around us like rubber rafts. Expansion and/or inflation play a major roll in the coming months. Jupiter conjunct Mars in Aquarius creates overages of all kinds. Be careful though as this aspect sometimes causes the inverse of what you expect. Make sure you synthesize and don’t over analyze current events. Sometimes they add up to an altogether unexpected end. I don’t mean to make this sound like a puzzle but make sure the pieces fit together in a realistic way.

Saturn opposed to Uranus continues to dominate the overall picture. This means that there is a conflict between the conventional and the unconventional. Things that usually work in solving problems fall short in terms of results. This is probably in the natural cycle of things but it is best to be prepared. Don’t overlook opportunities that seem less prestigious than you are accustomed. These little jobs may bring about major rewards in the future.

There is tension all around us and this makes us feel apprehensive. It is better to take action at this time than to leave things to destiny. Activity is a way of counteracting anxiety. Be bold and say what you think as then at least others will know where you stand. This tends to make people feel more secure when they can anticipate your actions. If you are too cagey you may outsmart yourself.

The Answer is Blowing in the Wind

Last week you may have felt like someone let the wind out of your sail but don’t despair you’re in for some smooth sailing in the coming months. We have 4 planets in the sign of Aquarius so negotiations should be painless and agreements easy to accomplish. You will see that you and the others are on the same page. Finally, it appears that you see yourself the way others see you now. This can be a good thing as it allows you to have realistic expectations and others will have them too.

The Moon will oppose the Sun so the full moon is upon us. Full moons make people feel a little crazy. This light hearted or light headed feeling is a welcome sensation as things have previously felt quite heavy. Your mood has been a little off and you haven’t felt much like yourself. Saturn and Uranus have been opposing each other for months and they are doing so at this moment. This stirs up feelings of anxiety. Try to get to the bottom of what is bothering you so that you can move on in clear conscience.

With the Moon in Leo you feel like you are the center of attention. It receives a trine from Venus so your Valentines Day should be a good one. You’ll feel comfortable in the world. The Moon is square Pluto so there might be some fireworks. It’s possible you will be strongly attracted to a friend or situation that will make you very happy.

Try to shake off the feeling of loneliness that you have been experiencing lately. It’s all about to change to a more sociable and amiable perspective.

Be True to Yourself

This would be a good time to pack your bags, either for a short vacation or to change the location of either your home or your job. It is just a good time to change your environment in some meaningful way. Move on to something more satisfying and challenging. Unfortunately, the world at large is making these kinds of moves very unlikely. Your may have to improvise, maybe just change your attitude and change the way you look at things.

Remember that planets influence you the way that you receive the planetary influences. You have free will. You can change the way you perceive and react to different situations. This alone can make for some amazing changes in your life. Don’t be afraid to alter your habits. In fact, make an effort to do so. Small changes can result in significant improvements.

Go with the flow. Don’t try to change the environment around you. The changes that should be made must be made from within. Should of, would of, could of…drop these personal recriminations. These are things of the past. Move ahead into the future with the experience you have gained from some unfortunate choices. Experience the value of your mistakes and apply these lessons so that they don’t happen again.

Bring It On

This week finds you invited to some unexpected places. With the Sun in Aquarius conjunct Jupiter in Aquarius you will be socially in demand. Expand your social network during this window of opportunity especially if you have felt discouraged and haven’t been reaching out. Take a chance, you will be pleasantly surprised. Your quick mind and diplomacy will be called into action.

The Moon in Capricorn sends the message that you must be cautious but being too cautious can be a mistake too. When the Moon is in Capricorn it keeps your ambition under wraps so that you can advance without others noticing. This will allow you to get closer to what you are after without shaking up the competition.

Venus in Pisces is so romantic and conjunct Uranus in Pisces. This is a fun loving and dynamic aspect that will allow you to step out of line and say what’s really on your mind, in a kind way of course. Don’t hesitate to take advantage of this playful combination. It is sure to spice up your life. Take chances that you wouldn’t ordinarily be inclined to take. You don’t need to worry about going too far as the opposition of Saturn will set a powerful backstop.

Your mood improves significantly over the next few weeks. You will feel like you are coming back to life. You have undergone many changes in the past months but this has helped you to identify your true values. These values will be the building blocks that carry you to greater heights. Take time off to reorganize and then move ahead swiftly.

Foresight is the Mother of Invention

We have four planets in the wintry sign of Capricorn which gives us tenacity and instincts as to what will pay off in terms of our work in the future. Capricorn shows foresight and foresight is a good thing. However, too much of foresight creates anxiety. So always look ahead, but not too far ahead. We also have three planets in the sign of Aquarius and that sign is very future oriented. They like to do things that will benefit others in the future. Here we find people that see the big picture but seldom see the individual. They make a broad sweep and care for all.

We start this week with the Moon in Scorpio. This is an opportunity to look deeper into a situation. We want to get to the bottom so that we can achieve some feeling of security. We want to feel like things are really as we see them and not distorted in some way. Water by its nature tends to distort things and Scorpio being a water sign can cast some unclear conclusions. Water signs benefit from the Earth and the Earth signs (Capricorn, Taurus, Virgo) being very hard benefit from water signs by softening them up a bit. (Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces)

Venus conjunct Uranus in the sign of Pisces brings about some unsettling feelings with regard to personal relationships. Some of these feelings require action while others should be acknowledged without strong reaction. You have to examine them carefully to determine which is which. Overall the week is steady without any fireworks. This can be a comfort for some while others will be restless.