Walk the Walk

Creative thinking is in order for the upcoming week.  We need to find a thoughtful and organized solution to the prevailing problems of the day.  It’s easy to fall in with the crowd without really thinking about what we are saying or doing but this often isn’t advantageous.  Think out of the box.  Bring in considerations that don’t necessarily benefit only you.  Take a more global view of changing winds.

Energize yourself and give a little encouragement to those who may not be feeling as sure as you do.  Nothing is black or white but shades of gray.  This becomes more and more obvious as time goes by.  Decisions become more complicated when adding considerations. Judgment is highly difficult.

You may be considered eccentric if you are rich, but if you are poor you are more likely to be labeled as crazy.  Pay no mind to other people’s opinions…that is exactly what they are, opinions , and everyone has them.  Follow your own heart and mind.

Make strides in clearing up any misunderstandings that have been dogging you.  It doesn’t mean you have to confront the situation directly.  Try rearranging the set.  Give a different perspective to yourself and others.  Things often become clearer when you change the scene.

Second Wind

It’s an excellent time to pay close attention to detail.  As per the saying, “the devil is in the details.” Take note of any unusual shifts in temperament of friends and co-workers.  We are all reassessing our point of view and making adjustments to our behavior based on external input.  This is a natural process that we undergo to become more in harmony with nature.  By aligning ourselves with nature, we achieve things in a swifter and more peaceful manner.

You can’t fight city hall.  Well, you can, but it may be a lengthy and draining experience.  Better to do an end around or find a back door.  This will eliminate any confrontations that may be irritating and difficult to deal with.  Seriously, do you want to be arguing with people on a daily basis?  Swallow your pride and focus on the work at hand.  Who gets credit for it ultimately doesn’t make any difference.

You may have the feeling that you have been here before.  Situations keep repeating themselves until you adjust your reaction accordingly.  Strive to maintain your inner peace under all circumstances.  People will regard you as a wise person so why open your mouth and remove all doubt.

Improve your chance of success by using foresight.  Don’t settle for a quick fix.  Take the long road and create a lasting benefit.  This gives you a strong foundation upon which to build.


Quantum Uncertainty

How much free will do we have?  “Less than you think you do, but more than you will ever use,” according to Zoltan Mason who was a brilliant astrologer as well as an amazing creator of illusion.  Basically, the past, present & future coexist.  That is why it is so difficult to engage” free will.”  The past gives us an idea of what to expect and we often act based on that expectation no matter how faulty our observations may be.  Change happens in the present and requires debunking some of our old notions.  By changing the present, we create a different future.  It is in the present that we access “free will.”

Man mostly lives in his unconscious. In a way, we are all locked in our unconscious.  By becoming aware we start to erode some of our inherited judgments.  We open up our mind to greater possibilities. Broadening our views allows us to participate in a wider range of activities and brings us into contact with more people.  Being exposed to more people brings about an enrichment of our daily lives. 

We have our goals. We want to get from point A to point B and along the way there are many opportunities for choice.  These choices are a realization of our beliefs and either move us toward our goals or obstruct them.  We need to work hard, be tenacious and be lucky.  But even when all of that doesn’t seem to move us forward…we have hope.  Hope is a living quality. 

The Fix is In

Never get mad…get even?  You may feel like you have had a tough few months.  You may have been on the brink but managed to contain any feelings of ill will.  This is to your credit.  It is difficult to curtail feelings of injustice but you must always keep your eye on your goal.  You don’t jeopardize what you set out to do just for a quick ego fix.

Self-management is the best form of control. You may have a strong presence of Saturn in your horoscope and control will always be an issue.  The true power is to control your-self.  By controlling your-self, you gain tremendous power to influence the outcome of many situations.  You have won against yourself.

Suffering the personalities of other people is a lifelong task.  They have to suffer your personality as well. We all have preferences.  These preferences make it that we are not impartial.  You see it in families and groups of people.  Being tolerant is an accomplishment.  It leads to a broader and more just view of the world at large.

Break out of your limited scope and see that the world is a big complicated place where human beings display all types of behavior.  If any one of us could do better, we would.  Set a good example as this will give you a lot of satisfaction and benefit others in the process.


The Ties That Bind

Joining groups of people for any activity always takes a little bit of personal freedom away.  It is challenging to be yourself when you become a member of any group.  You have to embrace the group totally and in the process lose a little bit of your individuality.  This is a fair trade off for the company of others. Any group, family or organization has its price. Socialization is a difficult process and many people can’t conform.

Uranus is the planet of non-conformity.  It represents the unconventional.  Wherever Uranus is posited in the natal chart shows where we experience this unconventional behavior.  It represents the unexpected because it is a planet that cannot be predicted.  It is an outlier.  Wherever Uranus is in your chart can be put to good use.  It can be blended into the horoscope and doesn’t need to be problematic.

“Know yourself and you will know the others.” Studying astrology puts you in touch with yourself.  Astrology is a soft science based on observation.  As your skills of observation become more acute, the richer your understanding of others becomes.  In astrology, we are always synthesizing. 

Uranus serves the purpose of shaking up the status quo.  It breaks up the crystalized aspects of the personality, thus freeing it to be more real.


3 Ring Circus

Over the coming week you may still experience periods of anxiety and uncertainty.  This response may arise out of your inability to make a decision or come to a clear conclusion.  There is a lot going on in every aspect of your life.  Currently, there are emotional, psychological and physical upsets that create this unsettled feeling. Stay focused on the here and now.

Although you are experiencing a desperate need for change, the moment to take action has not arrived. It is this waiting period that drives feelings of inadequacy and uneasiness. Stay confident as you have done the hard work that will lead to a successful outcome.  Patience is the only virtue.

Major changes happen in steps. Although, often these steps are not perceived by everyone.  Things that come unexpectedly usually have dropped many clues but these clues are often subtle and not observed by those who are unaware.  Stay vigilant so that you are not surprised by the unexpected.

Start making plans for your anticipated move.  The planning process will keep you busy until the moment to act is in sight.  This will release that pressure that has been building up for a while. Be an optimist, you pay the same price.

High Wire Act

This week brings a chance to level the playing field.  It also is a chance to bring things up to a higher level where combat is emotional and you won’t end up in a fist fight. The need for compromise is now greater than ever.  If one side is unwilling to concede anything, no progress will be made. Taking no action has its rewards and punishments. 

Time is the best story teller of all.  But some things require urgent attention. Use your best judgment to resolve issues that can’t wait.  Stay tuned to the chatter surrounding issues that don’t require immediate action.

Mercury goes direct so a forward momentum can be expected.  Address any matters that have been on the back burner.  You gain a sense of accomplishment when you are able to move things forward.  Make sure you look ahead and don’t become short sighted.   Begin new projects with the end in sight.

Surprises are likely but it isn’t because of any new information but because a blind spot has been exposed.  Make sure you are getting a panoramic view.


This week finds you between acts.  Some well deserved downtime but with an accompanying sense of anxiety.  This not so fuzzy feeling will soon pass and you will begin to feel more like yourself.  Astrologically, we come to a grand trine in water.  Neptune, Jupiter and Saturn form this trine. This either insulates your emotions and makes them more inaccessible or just the opposite.  You are open to experiencing these emotions that may have been buried for some time.

Generally speaking, it is the opposition that creates anxiety more so than the square  aspect.  The square provides a combative response to a problem. The opposition aspect is more difficult to negotiate as it is lacking the opportunity for confrontation.

Clearly, there are issues that are in the process of surfacing.  Some that you will be able to find a suitable solution to. But other issues will require a more circumspect and patient approach to find the best perspective. Better is the enemy of good.  Sometimes we are too demanding of ourselves or others.

Borderline incompetence may seem to be prevalent in those around you.  But they are trying to resolve their problems too.  Don’t attack but rather tolerate situations that are irritating.  Soften your temperament to accomplish your goals

Opportunity Knocks

Shop your wares with high end buyers.  The momentum of many months is about to change.  Now is the perfect time to show that your product or services can stand up to the competition.  What seemed like a dream months ago is now a strong possibility.  Represent yourself with insight and enthusiasm.

Keep an eye out for new opportunities and act quickly when they present themselves.   Taking action will separate you from the crowd.  Your ability to quickly analyze the situation gives you a head start in getting your credentials in front of the right people.

A little bit of luck is available to you if you stay focused.  Your vigilance will give you an edge when dealing with people who may need some convincing.  Tie up loose ends and go for it.  Honesty is the best policy. Don’t overstate your qualifications. 

Corporations and large institutions are not sympathetic to individual circumstances. Don’t do favors and don’t ask for favors.  Political situations are adrift and there may be a sudden shift of leadership. Steer clear of political dramas and don’t get involved.  No politics is a politics.


Pitter Patter

This past week, although slightly irritating on some level, was full of valuable insights that have brought some clarity.  This feeling of irritation is now fading away and you will feel much less edgy.  Peace of mind is one of the most valuable assets when it comes to focus and the ability to get things done.  Things should flow rather smoothly in the week ahead.

Your sense of big heartedness and generosity are also triggered.  You have not had this feeling for some time.  Giving and receiving are an important part of our daily life.  We like to feel that we are part of something bigger than ourselves.  Unconscious insights are triggered by the conjunction of the Moon and Uranus in Aries.

Mercury retrograde offers a period of review.  Take time to look back over the past few months and see how far you have come personally and professionally.  There have been some rocky moments but things are moving in a positive direction.

Overcome any fears that you may be harboring with regard to the future.  Go step by step toward your goal and it will reduce a great deal of anxiety.  Create personal space and don’t forget to take time to enjoy a relaxing activity.