It’s a great time to think about taking a trip to an exotic destination. You need a change of scenery. If it isn’t possible to take a vacation at this time then get out and enjoy a movie or something that allows you to unwind. You deserve a break due to the added pressures of the past several weeks.
Check in with friends and relatives and see how they are doing during this very difficult time. A few encouraging words will go a long way. Also, compare notes and you will see that you are not the only one that has been undergoing these trying times.
Continue to make new connections with people and allow yourself the freedom to do things that will energize you. Exercise and a good diet will aid you in feeling more robust. You are branching out into new areas of experience. These new areas will harmonize to become a much better working solution. Stay optimistic. You are only a short distance from reaching your goal.
External influences can be mitigated by having a strong focus. Stay on the track and don’t be distracted by the objections of those who have a different agenda. You have made your choice and should stick to it. Vacillation will only cause confusion.