This week you may sense that you have gotten yourself into something that may be a lot bigger than you could have imagined. In fact, you feel like a fish out of water. Stop floundering and implement your emergency contingency plan. You will probably need it. Objectivity got a lot of people into a lot of trouble. Panic will not ensue unless you choose to do nothing. Action is required.
Recently, you probably have been concerned with possessions. What belongs to you cannot be taken away. In fact, only we can give to ourselves and only we can take away from ourselves. Don’t try to control your environment but rather think that you will always have what you really need. When you stop trying to control things, you will obtain a great deal more freedom.
Freedom allows you to focus on the things that are really important. It cuts down on your anxiety and gives spontaneity to your decision making. Clear skies are ahead. You just need to remember that you are responsible for creating the circumstances that you desire. To create the best circumstances, you must be conscious.
Old friends are thinking of you. You might be hearing from them soon. Enjoy reminiscing about the past.