This is a good time to change tracks. There is an abundance of consternation about which track to pursue but now is the time to take a chance. Make the change. When an opportunity arises, take it. Finally, you feel calm and confident enough to make a leap of faith. These last months have been treacherous with little change or opportunity for mobility.
Create a brave new world in your own environment. Risk is anxiety provoking. Nevertheless, be bold. Good fortune follows the courageous one. It is part of our instincts to take the path most travelled. We feel more secure when we think that we can predict the outcome of a situation. This is really illusory and we should use intelligence and wisdom to choose the most beneficial path.
A division of wisdom and intelligence causes an unbalanced approach to life. Intelligence is youthful and accompanies our decision making process. Wisdom is a riper approach that results in using experience to find solutions.
The planets are always moving, providing us with new options. It is when we become crystallized in our thinking that we can’t advance our purpose. Flexibility combined with values that are developed influence our psychology and create success.
Life is a landscape that can be changed and improved by creativity and personal involvement. It can be used to help us find comfort in being ourselves. It is a backdrop to finding our individual identity. Life is a relationship with ourselves. Know yourself and you will know the others.