The week ahead can be summed up by concluding that it will be close encounters with the third kind. Insanity seems to be the prevailing condition, or is it?. Reality is hard to recognize. It is usually veiled in many different disguises and depending on who you are, takes on your own personal psychological imprint. It is pretty predictable to the trained eye what people are going to do. We learn what to expect from them. We think we are acting out of character when we are really just following our destiny. Free will is difficult to access. You have to work to free yourself of generations of thinking to use free will.
Since everything worth having is worth working for, we start by taking one step. One step is the beginning of a long journey. Really it is that first step that is the most uncertain but we can build our confidence slowly. This is the job of evolution that is before us. We cannot hesitate.
Pride is the biggest obstacle of all. It is good to have pride in what you have accomplished but pride shields you from a lot of important ideas and emotions. Careful examination of the topic leads me to believe that it isn’t all that important. Be real and forget about your pride.
“Delay is the deadliest form of denial.” This is a quote from a British naval historian by the name of C. Northcote Parkinson. This theme plays itself out on the many stages of life in the near and unforeseeable future.