This week begins with the Sun & Moon in the sign of Cancer. It is a New Moon and this falls in the house of psychology and home. This represents your foundation. Your psychology is a result of your relationships with other people. The seventh house is the cause of the fourth house. Another example of this relationship between the 7th house & the 4th house; marriage is the cause of your creating a home.
The personality is the cause of the profession. It is always important to work with yourself through your profession. You choose the profession based on your personality and you work out your psychological problems through your profession. Your character which is represented by the first house is the cause of your tenth house (destiny). Therefore, character is destiny.
Really, you and the others are the same. The way that you perceive others has a lot more to do with who you are. Others are a reflection of you. The best way to get others to change is by changing yourself. People will react differently to you if you change your actions toward them. In other words, we are all looking in a mirror. Everything around us is moderated by us. Everyone is seen through our own eyes. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. We color everything that we look at with our own personalities, preferences and prejudices.
Step out of yourself and see the world in a whole new way. There are many things to be thankful for.