Finally, some lighter planetary influences. You should begin to feel a release from nagging circumstances. Move on to the cheer of this coming holiday season. Lots of planets in air & fire signs give a more superficial and lighter approach. Air is theoretical and fire is enthusiastic. These influences are nicely realized throughout the month ahead.
The Moon, Jupiter & Neptune are in Aquarius therefore you may expect a deviation from the norm. Aquarius always designs an unusual solution to society’s problems as a whole. Saturn is in trine to the Moon so you may feel like holding back but forge ahead as you will have the support of those around you.
The Sun in Sagittarius gives a jolt to your energy level. Lots of adventures await you so don’t hesitate to take the first step. Venus square Jupiter gives rise to a competition between two beneficial opportunities. Choose carefully and use foresight to determine which is best for you.
Saturn square Pluto continues the trend of upsetting institutions that have not changed in eons. These changes are always painful to begin but will later reap benefits for the general population. Look for ways to become part of the solution.