The wheels of justice grind slowly. That is the common understanding of our judicial system. Personally, I believe in divine justice, however, it isn’t swift enough. That is why we have prisons. I don’t know why this suddenly occurs to me. Maybe it is because the Sun is in Libra which is represented by the scales. Libra is always trying to balance. In French, the sign Libra is called “Balance”.
Both the Sun and Saturn are in Libra. It shows that you are serious about fairness. We want life to be fair. I would have to say from my own experience that life isn’t always fair but there is always something positive to be attained in every situation. It is a matter of putting things into perspective. You can receive life in such a way that it is positive or negative. That is where free will comes into play. It is all in the way you look at it.
Some choices have been put before you that require you to assess the best path for you to follow. The concept of time is always a consideration. You can begin anew in a different environment or you can work with current circumstances and situations. This is where the balancing act comes in. It is wise to choose whatever is timely but also whatever is best for your health and peace of mind. All things being equal, time is the most important. Tempus fugit.
Luck and circumstances come together in a timely way. Luck is above the horoscope.
Good fortune follows the courageous one. When opportunity knocks you must be prepared to move forward. Stay vigilant and be decisive and you will succeed at those things which are important to you.