Try to find your center so that when you encounter inflexible types, you can navigate your way through the narrow passages without any direct confrontations. There is a stellium (4 planets or more) in Virgo. Virgo is very hard working and practical to a fault. This is challenging to you because all you want to do is relax and enjoy yourself. Suddenly there are many things that require your immediate attention. Discipline will keep you moving toward completion of these obligations.
Uranus in Pisces opposes Mars in Virgo, and this opposition stirs up feelings of insecurity. Steer your way toward your goal and you will ease these tensions. If you don’t have a goal, develop one and stick to it until it is achieved. The Sun opposes Neptune and this leads to fuzzy thinking. Clarify what it is that you are trying to do. Others will help you when you are clear about your intent.
Overall, the week looks like one filled with interesting twists and turns. Be prepared for the adventure and keep your reactions moderate. If you don’t overreact, you may be surprised at the insight that you get. Understanding your own motivations helps you to understand others.