This week has an interesting dynamic as there are 3 planets on Sunday at 12:00 noon that are at 29 degrees. The 29th degree of the sign is considered to be “not polarized enough”. It is neither masculine nor feminine. The Moon is at 29 degrees of Virgo, Venus is at 29 degrees of Scorpio and Pluto is at 29 degrees of Sagittarius. This would seem to be indicative of some archetypal images emerging from the unconscious that have to do with our concept of love. It would reveal the underground workings that influence how we make our choices of partnerships. In other words, it reflects our secrets.
The Sun and Saturn are in exact trine in earth signs so we can count on cooperation from significant sources of authority to help us attain our monetary goals. Although the general always to some degree will limit the particular, we have the power to direct these influences to a positive end.
Overall, the elements of water and earth are dominant during the week so this results in balance. We moderate our reactions so that we don’t alienate others. Contribute to the enjoyment of others by listening as well as talking. There is much camaraderie in allowing others to express their opinion although it may differ from your own.
Do be aware of the occasional lightning bolt that may come your way. Be at the right place at the right time.