In Vino Veritas

There is a predominance of air and earth signs during this week that seem to keep us unable to cooperate or have a meeting of the minds. We just aren’t communicating and there will be many misunderstandings during this period. However, with Venus, Mercury and Mars working together in Libra we will be putting our minds to work for the purpose of building better relationships. We will be able to put a pleasant face on regardless of our frustrations.

The Sun, Saturn and Moon in the sign of Virgo make us take the needs of others into consideration. It’s hard to respond to these needs but it is necessary. We won’t be let off the hook when it comes to our obligations. It is better to face them head on and take care of them. This allows us to discharge them and we can move on to other concerns. The unconscious and the conscious are suspended by Saturn. Saturn is the planet of discipline. Better to discipline yourself than to leave it to fate.

Jupiter sends a trine to the trio in Virgo (Sun, Saturn, Moon) so you will get some support from surprising sources. You won’t feel as if you are constantly in the grind but you will find strength through having a practical approach and being optimistic. Earth signs are sensual and with so many planets in earth signs you will feel a connection to the earth. You will feel like your destiny is interconnected with every other human being. After all, you can’t harm others without also harming yourself.

Time is the Best Story Teller of All

This week you feel as if you are being swallowed up by anxiety. Try to interject positive thoughts instead of negative ones when these feelings arise. By seeing the universe as a friendly place where you can live peacefully and in harmony with others, you will start to feel freed from the daily grind. It’s easy to fall into a pit of self pity or worry, so try to do things that are uplifting. Do things that are physical even if you just take a long walk, it will help you feel enlivened.

Look around you and see not only the bad things but also the good things. We are always undergoing changes in ourselves, so no matter what is going on around us our attitude toward these things are always changing. You can use your own will to bend these feelings into a happier configuration.

External events don’t dictate everything, it is the way that we perceive them. We can use our feelings of uncertainty to build a more durable psychology. Pull yourself up from within and don’t count on others to do it for you. We are much happier when we can console ourselves.

Peaceful Transitions Ahead

The last few months have been like trying to look through pea soup. Unfortunately, this situation will hang on through the month of August but come September the fog will start to lift. This will result in relief and improvement as it will be much easier to plan ahead. The future will be more transparent than it has been. The Sun in Leo is in an approaching trine to Pluto so realization of expectations will be developing in the near future.

The stellium in Virgo continues to pressure us to take steps toward solving problems that have been pursuing us for some time. Neglect is no longer a possibility, action is required. Mercury and Venus will soon oppose Uranus so time is of the essence. Timely changes will put things back in order. Mars squaring Pluto adds to the urgency.

Water & earth dominate the landscape so it will be hard to get moving when speed is important. Give yourself a jolt by giving your body some much needed exercise. Sedentary activities will only add to anxiety. Get moving and take advantage of these compelling planetary influences. Take control of your own destiny.

We Get Old Too Soon & Smart Too Late

Try to find your center so that when you encounter inflexible types, you can navigate your way through the narrow passages without any direct confrontations. There is a stellium (4 planets or more) in Virgo. Virgo is very hard working and practical to a fault. This is challenging to you because all you want to do is relax and enjoy yourself. Suddenly there are many things that require your immediate attention. Discipline will keep you moving toward completion of these obligations.

Uranus in Pisces opposes Mars in Virgo, and this opposition stirs up feelings of insecurity. Steer your way toward your goal and you will ease these tensions. If you don’t have a goal, develop one and stick to it until it is achieved. The Sun opposes Neptune and this leads to fuzzy thinking. Clarify what it is that you are trying to do. Others will help you when you are clear about your intent.

Overall, the week looks like one filled with interesting twists and turns. Be prepared for the adventure and keep your reactions moderate. If you don’t overreact, you may be surprised at the insight that you get. Understanding your own motivations helps you to understand others.

A Little Too Much Information

There seems to be an awful lot of projection going on out there. It seems that everyone has an axe to grind but some how none of it seems to have anything to do with you. It’s like they are looking in a mirror. We can all stand to gain from assessing that image that we see in the mirror. A good close look renders insights into our own self absorption. Analyze these insights for the purpose of adjusting your own perceptions. This will give you a new and more optimistic persona.

The Moon is conjunct Saturn so you may feel like the tin man. You feel like your wheels could use some grease. Saturn is responsible for the retention of toxics in the body. Make sure to drink plenty of water and try to tune in and listen to what your body is telling you. Don’t dwell on problems that have no immediate solution. Start doing what you can to change the present.

Life is a little like investing in the future. When it comes to your health you have to take care of it in the present. By doing this, you insure good health in the future. Of course good health comes from body and mind so it is important to achieve balance. Don’t go to extremes, neither too much nor too little. Keep up appearances…someone is watching.