Water Off A Duck’s Back

If you feel like others are taking advantage of your kind nature you need to let them know that they have gone too far. Show them your teeth! With 4 planets in the sign of Aries, you can bet that there are lots of inconsiderate actions happening out there. You don’t have to take it personally, people will be people. Some are reasonable but some people don’t know what that means.

All these planets in Aries have a good side too. They are ruled by Mars and give the needed boost of energy that will be required to put your plans in place. The week begins with the Moon in Capricorn so don’t expect to feel too enthusiastic until later in the week. Capricorn is ruled by the mountain goat and goes step by step. Don’t rush or you may find you have Teflon hooves.

You may see holes blown through a lot of good ideas during this week. Don’t be disheartened. Keep advocating for what you want. Eventually, someone will see your point of view. You have to keep searching for ways to develop your ideas. This is a difficult task but will be aided by favorable planetary aspects in the near future.

Have a philosophy that will resonate with others and that you can recite while standing on one leg. “Don’t do to the others what you wouldn’t like done to you.” Life is simple if you don’t want anything from it. Take the high road.

Take The Plunge

Procrastination has become a way of life. Did you ever have to make up your mind? Making a choice is pain staking at this point in time. You must choose even if you are not inclined to do so. Remember that every advantage has a disadvantage so choice is really a trade off of sorts. You pay for what you want and you pay for what you don’t want.

Sometimes you have to be a chess player. You move up in rank and file. Some advancement is necessary. It’s a double game. Life is also a double game. There is the practical side and the spiritual side of it. You are trying to balance them. You will find yourself at one extreme or another until you find the middle ground.

You don’t feel up to the task that is ahead of you but you will see that you have lots of energy in the coming months that will allow you to get things up and running. Go slowly and you will arrive sooner.

Organize your thoughts and actions. Put them into play. Take up a new sport or hobby that will allow you to enjoy your spare time. Don’t worry, be happy.

Clear the Decks

Finally you won’t feel like you are chasing your tail. Things have been freed up in the universe and this allows you to move forward with purpose. You also will have a little bit of luck too and this turns a mediocre situation into a really good one. Mercury, Jupiter and Uranus are all in the sign of Aries and Aries know how to get things done.

Many forces are at work to support your strategy. Having a strategy is very important. You have to plan your work and work your plan. Once you get moving in a direction everything else will follow. You can eliminate the constant deliberations that have created a lot of anxiety for you lately. You may feel hesitant but you have to push yourself to move ahead.

It seems that for months a kind of cloud has been hanging over your head and now in a split second it will be lifted and you will feel a great sense of relief. Any health issues that have been dragging on will suddenly become a faint memory. In fact, a lot of things will clear up. Your thinking will become sharp and you will know exactly how to proceed.

All things are both good and bad at the same time. It’s often a matter of perception although some things are dire and less easy to look at in a positive way. The best medicine is foresight. When you take action, think about what the long term effects will be. By taking the long road, you will be prepared for every situation.

A Shot Across the Bow

Values are the things that differentiate one human being from another. Good values or bad values, it doesn’t matter, both lead to the same realization. When we fall in love, this leads to the “overestimation of the sexual object” as noted by Freud. Sometimes these projections are impossible to live up too. No one can fill these shoes. This brings me to the conclusion that you should expect a lot from yourself. To thine own self be true.

Be yourself and know yourself. By this, you will know the others and they will know you. You have to start with a solid premise. No great friendship can be built on a weak foundation. You have to bring the house down and rebuild it if necessary. You have to understand the basic building blocks. Most of all, you have to apply them.

Some influences may seem to be undermining your efforts. This is a temporary situation and should be ignored. Forge ahead with plans and don’t get sucked into quarterbacking. Let the others get their signals from sacred places.

New energy is moving in your direction. Get ready to follow the jet stream.