A Little Bit of Veritgo

Now is a good time to determine if you are flying upside down or right side up. This is often only possible by examining your values. How do they harmonize with life in 2012? Are they flexible or rigid and have they had success in the past in terms of delivering the kind of results that you desire? Values should incorporate ethics. Ethics are a matter between you and your God. There should be a lot of common ground between your ethics and the ethics of others but ultimately it is personal.

You have to answer for your own thoughts and actions. What other people think of you is none of your business. You must belong to yourself and have the courage and integrity to be you. It is likely that if you follow this course, no one will openly challenge you, although, they may not agree with you. You have to believe in yourself.

This could be the beginning of a very productive and upbeat year. There are many things for all of us to learn in this New Year. It is an opportunity to know more about ourselves. By knowing about ourselves, we will come to know more about others. Change begins with you. Don’t wait for someone else to make the first move. Take action! When I speak about you, I am also speaking about me.

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