In A Pickle

You may have obligations that await your fulfillment but due to a conflict of interest, this may not be possible.  No good deed goes unpunished. Whatever you originally had in mind is no longer viable.  Sometimes you just have to take the heat.  No worries though, the problem will resolve itself.

You see both sides of the situation and this causes you to feel uneasy.  You are choosing between two equally unsatisfactory choices.  Now is the time to think “out of the box.”  Come up with something original and make it a win-win.

Your complexes are something that you have been strongly reacting to.  Bring them into consciousness where they can be dealt with directly.  This way, there will be no surprises.  One’s greatest enemy is the tongue. Think before you speak.

A square between Uranus and Pluto cause unexpected interferences.  Be flexible and open to alternate routes. Use your “will” to determine which path you will take or just enjoy a brief rest on the side of the road.  When considering your alternatives, be true to yourself.

No Smoking Gun

Just when you think you have found the source of your problem, you find that it is a lot more complicated than you thought.  When it comes to honing in on the origin of the problem, you find that there is never one cause, but many causes.  It is practically impossible to trace it back to any one event.  There are many causes for one effect, and many effects from one cause.  Unfortunately, single causes and effects are difficult to isolate.

Overall, things are going well but you are still confused.  You sense that people are trying to “plug in”.  I suppose that in society that “plugging in” is the common drive.  But what do people want to plug into?  Really the only thing that will advance your purpose is to plug into higher influences.  It is that kind of plugging in that gives you a clear view of the greater purpose of life.  It will be sustainable and create a greater self-confidence and fortitude.

You cannot serve God and Mammon.  You have to choose.  It doesn’t really matter which one you choose, it is the consistency that counts. You will always arrive at both but you do have to choose. There is no need to moralize as we are free to decide between the long and short path.  Neither is wrong.  It’s a matter of how much you want to pay.  God always sends someone who collects.

Keep the momentum going, you will soon get your due.

One Trick Pony?

You may feel like things are not interesting enough to maintain your attention and this leads to a lethargic and unproductive state of mind.  This is an illusion based on your own perspective. It happens to all of us from time to time.  We just can’t get an edge on anything and it all becomes boring.  We tend to be happiest when we are fully engaged in something or many things.  It keeps us sharp and involved and the day to day life is much fuller.

You don’t have to reinvent the wheel but you have to use your imagination.  You have to read between the lines.  You have to see what is there and you have to see what is missing.  Some notes of interest are found by scratching below the surface.  Usually, I would say to take things at face value, but now is a good time to delve more deeply into the matter. 

Clarity is achieved by directing your attention to the matter at hand.  Try to see everything.  Our lives are based on observation and those things that we observe are the building blocks of our life.  If we don’t get good results, the fault lies in ourselves.  We have to be excellent observers. When we are good observers, we know what to expect.  Foresight is the mother of invention.

Go to the root.  The answer is always contained in the question.  By understanding these mechanisms of behavior we all become good astrologers.


Striking Distance

Don’t allow yourself to fall behind.  Although, this is a good time to center yourself and take note of the surrounding influences.  It is also a time to keep applying the hard work necessary to get the job done.  It’s easy to get lost in the maze of possibilities, so stay focused. 

With a stellium (four planets or more) in the sign of Taurus you are able to consolidate your energy in a way that is very productive.  Taurus is a feminine, fixed sign and the energy is somewhat internalized. Fixed signs are like centrifuges.  Everything spins around them.  Clearly you can come out ahead of the rest when you apply yourself.

If your efforts seem to fall short in any way, it is probably because you are not pushing through the more problematic phase of a project.  Keep moving forward as this action will eventually guarantee results.   Stay vigilant and ready for the opportunity that is sure to arrive.

Reflecting on the past few months you may feel that you haven’t received the kind of cooperation that was necessary for you to succeed but this is about to change.  Suddenly, you find yourself with all sorts of advocates that you didn’t realize were there.  This will push you up and over any obstacles that have been obstructing your goal.

He who breathes slowest, lives the longest.