These days it pays to belong to your-self. If you leave your fate in the hands of another, you may ultimately be disappointed. Take ownership over your actions and pay your own way. Why not pay for the whole package? In any case, we pay for what we want and we pay for what we don’t want. Make sure you get at least some of the things that are important to you.
This week brings a thawing of emotions and is greatly appreciated. You have been experiencing some irritation as you feel that you haven’t gotten the recognition that you truly deserve. Don’t look for any payoff and you may be pleasantly surprised to find out how much you are appreciated.
Saturn’s visit in Scorpio is causing some unexpected aggravations. It requires you to clean your house in an emotional sense. It wants you to get more in touch with yourself. Since you are digging, don’t dig half way. You have to get to the bottom of it. Don’t forget that you are only human.
Being human has some very dark corners and some very bright ones too. Try to take advantage of the brightness but be mindful of the darkness. The two co-exist. Don’t go to extremes. Life is a balancing act.