Character is Destiny

People are what they are brought up to be. We are product of many influences, some conscious and some unconscious. Ideally, we would like to know what is in our unconscious and this is a life long task. It is important to become more aware of the unconscious as it can influence our destiny as much as our conscious choices. This process comes about astrologically by the interaction between the sun and the Moon.

During the week we have some influences that help to broaden our experiences and provide us with some valuable tools to go forward. Some will come from a consistent effort and others will come as a sort of revelation. When this happens, it can be a very liberating experience. Suddenly, things that have dogged you over time provide a new foundation for growth and learning. These things have forced you to get to your own truth.

Long term benefits can be gained by sticking to your plan. Plan your work and work your plan. By focusing your energy toward a specific goal you give great strength to your desires. Also, when you provide the necessary effort you are more likely to get help from higher influences that have the power to move mountains. It appears that you will get the added support that you need to get you to where you are going.

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