This year offers a true change in perspective. An evolution of social institutions will be brought about by necessity. Necessity is the mother of invention. Change will happen whether we like it or not. The best way to cope is to be flexible and to expand our understanding of changing circumstances. We need to use foresight…not too much and not too little. Moderation is the key. Too much foresight causes anxiety and too little creates anxiety too.
Resistance is a natural response to the unknown. It is in our genes and it is very difficult to overcome. We have resistance to change because it destroys the current order of things. But by suffering through this resistance and taking a small leap of faith we can accomplish great things. Life will become deeper and more satisfying.
None of us know how long we will live in our current incarnation but we can certainly try to give a good example. We can do something small and energizing for the others to experience. Our example is far more important than our words. We human beings learn by example.
Practical matters will dominate the coming year and it will require focus to keep the momentum moving in your predetermined direction. When you come to an obstacle, just stay with it and resolve the issue at that moment. Don’t let things pile up. Create your own circumstances.